
Android media failure:-38 .PVMFPending

rldstover48 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 11



If you are still having this issue, please try using the latest XiiaLive Beta version. There where multiple fixes done that could have resolved these issues. Please try using the Stream engine "Android" to see if the issue is resolved. If not most likely you will be able to stream without issues with the "FFMpeg" engine.

This is a zeki 7 tablet, TB782B, Android 4.0.3, this is the first time I've ever had a issue running your app I know this is a new tablet and cheep I don't want to cause problems hope it's something I can do on my end.

Thanks been great app, rldstover48@gmail
im using a genesis gt-7200 with ics 4.0.3

got the same error. on my galaxy s2 works fine... any ideias?

i really hope to use this on my tablet.
What stations is this happening with? AAC ones?
Happens to me all the radios pre-selected in the genre. Other radios that I add via url, resulting in lost connection.
Looks like it's some incompatibility with Android 4.0.3 
I get the same error in a Hyundai A7 with android 4.0.3, testing "Top Hit" stations by MPEG. With AAC+ stations it says "Caida de conexion" (my system is in spanish)
I had this problem - went to settings/advanced and turned on beta streaming and now works ok
Nice. Solved my problem.
Thanks Nick!!
Hey guys thanks for all the info and tips.  Are you guys trying with official release of XiiaLive or the beta version? If not the beta, could you download it from the market and give it a try? I'm interested to see if the issue is resolved on that version.
Thanks Nick
Solved my problem with a mk802 mini PC
Jona, I used the Market Lite version
Ok, thanks for letting me know. I'll definitively need to figure this one out!  

If you are still having this issue, please try using the latest XiiaLive Beta version. There where multiple fixes done that could have resolved these issues. Please try using the Stream engine "Android" to see if the issue is resolved. If not most likely you will be able to stream without issues with the "FFMpeg" engine.