
Stream cache duration question

Andrew Networth 12 year бұрын updated by Emochris 9 year бұрын 6
I have XiiaLive Pro purely for the stream cache duration option that sets it to 60 mins. I use this option for my train journeys , however ive noticed that if i get a phone call or permanently lose internet it sometime wipes the stream cache thats been building up. its terribly frustrating. any ideas 


The latest releases of XiiaLive v3.2.x has our brand new stream engine which now pauses playback while on a phone call. Also, the cached audio data will not be lost after a phone call. We carefully designed it so that even if a connection was lost during a phone call a reconnection would happen during or after a phone call. This should make the experience much nicer!

Thanks for your post and supporting XiiaLive! I completely understand the issue you are having. The problem is that sometimes during phone calls the data connection is cut off and the stream engine timeout and stops playback. The other issue is that we don't pause playback during a phone call we simply mute it. 

All these issues are known and simply inconvenient. So we are already working on a new stream engine that resolves all these issues. We expect to have an initial beta release end of Nov or Mid Dec. 

if streaming cache is like 5min, will it need to other (buffer/pre-buffer also increased to max.60sec)?
will streaming cache 5min guarantee that there will be no interrupt under 5min?
I know it can seem confusing but the cache duration is the amount of audio data that can be held at a time. The buffer settings don't affect the cache duration setting in any way. Buffer settings simply tells the player when to start playback. More about buffer settings here. The 5min cache simply giving you a 5 minute playback history so you can seek back in time. There is no guarantee for no interruptions but we do try really hard to resolve any potential interruptions in the background.
The latest releases of XiiaLive v3.2.x has our brand new stream engine which now pauses playback while on a phone call. Also, the cached audio data will not be lost after a phone call. We carefully designed it so that even if a connection was lost during a phone call a reconnection would happen during or after a phone call. This should make the experience much nicer!
thanks for quick reply.
can you guide which settings should use if there is 2min network loss and I don't want any hangups
so what need to set that music playback continues between network loose and continues streaming right away connection was established.
I'm sorry, cannot quite understand terms:)
If there is zero internet connection for two minutes the stream will most likely give up trying to recover the connection. So if music stops playing, due to the fact that there is no internet connection, after about 1min the connection will timeout and it will reconnect loosing all the previously stored audio data. The best thing you can do is set the pre-buffer to 60,000ms. If audio stops playing because it is waiting for network connection or it is buffering simply seek back in time using the seekbar. This will just replay what you heard and internally XiiaLive will be working to try to recover.