Under review

Restore fails to restore stations

deaddmail 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago 2

I have manually entered stations.  And have done the backup procedure.

I have then restored from the back and had the stations disappear from the favorites.  I have taken the backup.dat and opened in a NOTEPAD to see the stations but the dont show in the app under favorites


Under review

So you are having issues restoring your previous backup? You won't be able to see anything when opening the .dat file on notepad. It's a database type file.  Could you email me the backup so that I can take a look to try to figure out what is going on?  Send it here: jona@visualblasters.com

This is with the current app

Under review

So you are having issues restoring your previous backup? You won't be able to see anything when opening the .dat file on notepad. It's a database type file.  Could you email me the backup so that I can take a look to try to figure out what is going on?  Send it here: jona@visualblasters.com