unable to play mp3 on nexus 7 - error: unexpected stop, fail to connect
I am unable to play mp3 on my nexus 7 tablet (adroid 4.1.2).
When I pick up mp3 file through file explorer and ask top open it using XiiaLite I got message at the bottom:
Fail to connect
Unexpected stop
Internet raio is working and mp3 can be played in other player
When I tried FLAC file I got: service crashed.

Currently, XiiaLive plays from URL links not local music files. However, this is something we are going to support soon.

Jona! You keep saying that your planning to support local music playback soon, but I'm seeing these posts from 3 years ago saying so already. So when is that gonna happen???

Hi Joseph,
actually you can try it, open the mp3 file using some folder explorer app and then select XiiaLive to open it.
Please, let me know about your feedback.

Yeah, that's a mistake I tend to make often. I wish to add support but not enough time to do it... :( As Rodrigo mentioned, current release plays local files but it's just not the right user experience when it comes to playback handling. XiiaLive was designed to be the best streamer but not for local file playback.

Doesn't work for mp3 files yet. Wish it would. Great player, I purchased it
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Joseph,
actually you can try it, open the mp3 file using some folder explorer app and then select XiiaLive to open it.
Please, let me know about your feedback.