
Bluetooth AVRCP metadata not working Samsung Note 3

Jamey Sewell 11 ár síðan í Bluetooth / AVRCP updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 ár síðan 29 1 duplicate
I use to be able to see Art, Song, and Artist information on my MyLink screen Chevy Equinox 2013 when using Droid Bionic (Jelly Bean). I recently switched to Samsung Note 3 and now the information doesn't show anymore. Please help




To summarize this post:

Previous release of XiiaLive we decided to disable the Bluetooth AVRCP metadata "HACK" for Android versions 4.3 and greater. The reason was that since Android 4.3 Android OS made some APIs available to send metadata over Bluetooth using a legit API. However, it seems that some devices fail to properly support the new APIs and for that reason we have re-enabled the "HACK" on the latest release.

The "HACK" can be enabled if not already enabled here:

XiiaLive->Settings->App control->AVRCP metadata

I figured out the issue

Once I disabled "ignore audio focus" I was able to get metadeta sent over to my car's radio...weird huh?
(I've also confirmed this fix for another app called Rocket Music Player)

Duplicates 1

Have you changed any settings on the app? Make sure "Lock screen controls" is ON under App control. The station name, song and artist information should be sent over AVCRP. Please check if the device music player bluetooth metadata works with your car stereo.

I tried a dozen changes. Lock Screen Controls is on. How do I check device music player Bluetooth metadata works with my car stereo? The Samsung Note 3 is the newest device on the market, shouldn't it work better than the Droid Bionic? There are no settings on my Chevy Equinox that can be changed for Bluetooth. 

BTW, I am able to change stations remotely through vehicle and listen, but that is it


I just tried a couple more tests... Both Stock Music Player and Pandora display tags through vehicle. As of now, Xiia is the only player that does not.


Is your device running Android 4.3? If it is it might be worth trying to install an older version of XiiaLive where the BT metadata hack was enabled. The latest release now automatically disables the hack for devices running Android 4.3 and higher. The reason is that Android has now provided proper ways to send the metadata via legit API calls.

tested this on my nexus 4 (running android 4.3) and it works fine.

I'm thinking Samsung has done something with their rom.

I'll get back with an update

Hey thanks for the info. I have merged your post together with another post of the same related issue. Are you using a custom ROM or unofficial release ROM? Please do let me know what you find out. Thanks!

Yes, running 4.3. Apparently other people are having samsung tag issues with other apps. My other apps work fine.  Where can I obtain earlier version to test?  Also, if it works normal with earlier version, how will this affect updates in the future?


Well technically all devices running Android 4.3 and newer should be handling the AVCRP metadata properly. If for some reason the earlier version of XiiaLive works with the AVRCP metadata hack then that will mean that I will need to provide the AVRCP metadata hack option under settings. This would allow people with issues to enable the hack.


Please download the older XiiaLive version from this link. This is the free version of XiiaLive. If you are using XiiaLive free version please make sure to uninstall before installing. If using XiiaLive Pro then no need to uninstall to install this version. Please let me know if AVCRP simply works on your device after downgrading.

Ok, tried 3.03 (Version that worked on Bionic) - It doesn't display tags on Note 3   :-(

YES! I'd love more options, but at this point, I'll take it! ( Works)

Awesome! Thanks for the image! Looks great! :)

So Pro version will get hack?

Yes! Next minor release this week will contain the option.

Is it possible to get older pro until new version comes out? I already purchased Pro

Sorry, I can't. The new update will be available potentially tomorrow night or the following day.


I'm happy to report the latest version of Pro ( solved my issue. Now I'm getting meta date sent to my 2013 Ford Flex. (just a recap, I'm on Verizon Samsung Note 3)


Awesome thanks for the update! :)


To summarize this post:

Previous release of XiiaLive we decided to disabled the Bluetooth AVRCP metadata "HACK" for Android versions 4.3 and greater. The reason was that since Android 4.3 Android OS made some APIs available to users to send metadata over Bluetooth using a legit API. However, it seems that some devices fail to properly support the new APIs and for that reason we have re-enabled the "HACK" on the latest release.

The "HACK" can be enabled if not already enabled here:

XiiaLive->Settings->App control->AVRCP metadata

To summarize this post:

Previous release of XiiaLive we decided to disable the Bluetooth AVRCP metadata "HACK" for Android versions 4.3 and greater. The reason was that since Android 4.3 Android OS made some APIs available to send metadata over Bluetooth using a legit API. However, it seems that some devices fail to properly support the new APIs and for that reason we have re-enabled the "HACK" on the latest release.

The "HACK" can be enabled if not already enabled here:

XiiaLive->Settings->App control->AVRCP metadata

Sigh. I've updated my Samsung Note 3 on VZW to kitkat and now xiialive is not sending metadata to my car's receiver anymore. Yes I have both lock screen and avrcp enabled in the app.

Pandora is able to send metadata though. 


Please try disabling AVRCP setting. That setting is actually a hack and might be causing the issues.
I've already tried that. After disabling the hack I made sure I ended xiialive (force quit). Any other suggestions? 

Could you trigger a bug report right after you see the metadata update on the phone? I'm hopping somehow the device logs shows me something. The bug report is under XiiaLive/settings.
I've emailed a bug report. Today I noticed now my radio is getting the station name but not track name or artist. 
I figured out the issue

Once I disabled "ignore audio focus" I was able to get metadeta sent over to my car's radio...weird huh?
(I've also confirmed this fix for another app called Rocket Music Player)

Wow, great find! That is one odd issue.