Not a bug

Unsupported format for MPEG 128kpbs?

Анонім 14 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 14 років тому 0
I am getting unsupported format when trying to play a radio stream.
Radio station "unitedbreaks.fm" has two streams available, both MPEG but one has a bitrate of 32kbps and the other has 128kbps.
The 32kbps plays fine (although lower quality) but the 128kbps, keeps on saying unsupported format.


Not a bug
I have just tried both radio stations on an HTC Evo 4G phone and it worked just fine... Does it still not work for you? If not what phone and Android version are you using?
Not a bug
I have just tried both radio stations on an HTC Evo 4G phone and it worked just fine... Does it still not work for you? If not what phone and Android version are you using?