W trakcie analizy

Umlaute station name

Peter 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jona (Lead Developer) 11 lat temu 0
It does not display Umlaute, like ü in Zürich, in the station name.
The three screen shots are:
XiiaLive Pro, FFMpeg streaming (wrong)
XiiaLive Pro, Android streaming (correct)
XiiaLive Beta, FFMpeg streaming (wrong, yet different)
Character encoding settings have been automatic, but UTF-8 gives the same result.

Image 54Image 55Image 56


W trakcie analizy
Thanks for the info! It really helps all the info you have provided. I will try to investigate and see what is going on.
W trakcie analizy
Thanks for the info! It really helps all the info you have provided. I will try to investigate and see what is going on.