Under review

EQ can't init AudioFxs on cyanogenmod 10

Jason Whiteley fa 12 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 12 anys 0

Since upgrading my HTC One X to Cyanogenmod 10 (android 4.1.2), the app works perfectly and I never get any force closes, however, I can't use any of the built in audio enhancement features which is seriously making me consider going back to winamp, and I don't want to do that. I'm a paid customer of both apps by the way.


I get this error (screenshot: http://www.imgur.com/IlQ7n.png) that my device is "unable to initialize AudioFxs!"


I agree with Daniel Shafer (http://support.xiialive.com/topic/126186-new-xiaa-version-conflicting-with-eq-apps/) it would be great if you could allow other equalizer apps on the system to be used because Cyanogenmod comes with a fantastic EQ/custom sound tool called DSPManager - it's only available with this ROM and you can't get it in the playstore.


Here is a tutorial on how to install it on any other ROM if you'd like to do that for testing purposes:



I have 3 phones with this ROM installed, all running xillialive and none of them can use the equalizer (Samsung Galaxy S (i9000), Samsung Galaxy S II (i9100), HTC One X international GSM version)


Perhaps this discussion on a similar error might be able to help you?



Under review

Thanks for the detailed post! I'll put some time into the EQ in the next few days to try to resolve a few of the issues hopefully.  I'll see if I can give it a try with the custom ROM.

Also, the google code error was posted by me :)

Under review

Thanks for the detailed post! I'll put some time into the EQ in the next few days to try to resolve a few of the issues hopefully.  I'll see if I can give it a try with the custom ROM.

Also, the google code error was posted by me :)