
AAC+ stopped working on Incredible after Froyo upgrade

Anonymous 15 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago 21
love...LOVE xiialive

but now that I got Froyo on my Incredible, aac+ streams have stopped working.

is it the app or Froyo?


The fix has been delivered to the Android Market. v2.1.5.
Any update on this? Would really like to be streaming some local radio stations.

Thanks in advance!
Happens on my Verizon Incredible as well after updating to Froyo, build 3.2.605.1 CL231344 release-keys, XiiaLive Lite version 2.1.4. All the AAC/AAC+ stations I've tried get stuck buffering (one station, http://listen.di.fm/public2/eurodance.pls, sometimes goes briefly to Streaming state, but never plays any audio, and then goes back to Buffering and stays there). When stuck in Buffering state the display indicates 6 seconds (not sure what this signifies). MP3 stream stations work as normal, but all the stations I normally listen to use AAC+ format.

This effectively makes XiiaLive useless for me; I hope you're able to squash this bug soon!
In my case I can stream fine on cyanogen 6 on my n1. I just can't stop. When you press stop it stops playing and just sits there flashing "stopping". You can task kill it, but that'd kinda weak.
any chance we could get some kind of update on this?
Hey guys sorry to have taken a long time to put an update on this. We have found the issue and we are trying to resolve. The AAC issue was broken on Froyo but there is a work around which we are working on... As soon as we get the fix we are putting an update out! :)
Thanks for your patience,
-XiiaLive Team
getting stoked now! glad I took the risk and bought the app versus the free version. ready for the fix because I package this with Dolphin HD so I can stream radio stations :). Good job and keep up the good work but I am getting antsy as I questioned whether to get an HTC phone over Motorola.
The fix has been delivered to the Android Market. v2.1.5.
Yeah. Just updated to the latest version and AAC+ streams are working again. Thanks so much!
I've downloaded the new version too. Aac+ is working now but the sound is terrible ... Really really bad :( Is there a fix coming ? I'm using froyo 2.2
The actual AAC quality issue is dependant on the Android decoders which we don't have access to... Unfortunately we can't do anything about that for now... Very soon as I mentioned before we hope to have a brand new streaming engine that is none depandant on the Android Media Framework.
@Sebastien The quality of AAC+ on your phone is due to a glitch on the media framework introduced by Froyo. I know that some phones have gotten a new small Android update that resolved the AAC issues.
Got a HTC desire but I haven't seen an upate so far :(
I have a HTC desire HD and all the AAC+ streams sound like AM radio, I'm still waiting for HTC to send out a fix for this.

I've tried modifying build.prop and disabling stagefight but it goes back to the way it was before I modified the file.

When I saw that this app said it fixed the AAC+ problems I thought it fixed all of them, disappointed now.
Yeah, well Android is so fragmented we have such a hard time getting AAC or MPEG working on all phones... It's always some bug on Android :( Hopefully soon we will have something none dependant on Android Media platform... :)
The app seems to work perfectly on my Xperia (android 2.1) but I still can't stream ACC/ACC+ on my Advent Vega (android 2.2) :(
Can you send us the error logs when you reproduce the issue on the Advent Vega device? Download "Log Collector" from the Android Market. Right after you reproduce the issue run this app. It will prepare an email, send that to us at support@xiialive.com
- Thanks!
Sorry for such a late reply ..... I have followed your instructions and sent an email containing the error logs. Pls do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.
Thanks for the logs. In your case I see you are running a custom ROM "MoDaCo Custom ROM for the Advent Vega r7". Could be an issue with that particular ROM. From the logs I can see that the Android Media Framework is sending a signal that it completed playback, which is wrong. I'll see if I can send you a different version of the app so that I can see more log message output and determine if it's a bug in our app or actual Android OS.
After latest up grade i cannot user AAC 128kbs without it buffering every 30 seconds. This is with WiFI or 3G on home tower or 3G on roaming tower with 5 bars. I use approx 4 GIG a month listening to music a month. So i can tell when there is a change. Also OGG would be a plus.
After latest up grade i cannot user AAC 128kbs without it buffering every 30 seconds. This is with WiFI or 3G on home tower or 3G on roaming tower with 5 bars. I use approx 4 GIG a month listening to music a month. Sprint EVO 2.2 current build So i can tell when there is a change. Also OGG would be a plus.
Strange flash can do 256 mp3 and 128 aac without buffering Issues on same .phone from the same site cant get 96 mp3 radio station to even connect how can this release get backed out
There is a small change I'll be adding that hopefully does fix the issue you are seeing with buffering...