
Auto start causing 1-3 sec playback via device speakers

Сергей Чечулин 11 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago 2
Hello! At first i want to thank you for makin so great app.
I bought it after 10 minutes of playing free version.
Honesly, i also wery like music player PowerAMP (for bluetooth autoplay for example) but it can't play online streams. Do you plan to add local player functionality? Then you would have explode the market! (enabling bluetooth autoplay both in poweramp and xiialive makes me cry...)

In PowerAMP autostart have feature to start playback only when a2dp device connected - and works great. But in XiiaLive when i connect  my headset or car bt - i listen 1-3 second sound in device speaker, and then, when a2dp device connected sound cames to headser(or car speaker)
This annoying me a little.


Under review
Currently, we don't have plans to support local media playback.

About the BT issue when auto connecting, we have resolved this and will be part of the release version 3.3.0 that is currently rolling out. This should fix the issue where audio is heard for a few seconds on the device.

Under review
Currently, we don't have plans to support local media playback.

About the BT issue when auto connecting, we have resolved this and will be part of the release version 3.3.0 that is currently rolling out. This should fix the issue where audio is heard for a few seconds on the device.