
Shortcut to "Favorites" from Player screen

Sascha Zimmer 12 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 11 years ago 8
With the latest version (I assume it's v3) came a big disadvantiage in the new layout: Now you have to swipe the bar on top to the extreme right to get the button for the Favourites. This is a very annoying. In the old version, there was a button on the player stream that led directly to Favorites. I like the new design, nevertheless I will switch back to the older one, wich is unfortunate of course. But this bug is unnerving.



Thanks a lot for your feedback. As you might noticed on recent releases we moved the favorites page to be on the left of the player and history to the right o fit.


We took your recommendation and came up with that simple solution. Now it is a swipe away or a button press on the menu bar to get to favorites.

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I do see what you are saying... Have you tried using the next/prev buttons on the player? You can actually surf your favorites from there.  There are also other cool features on the new version. I wish you could give it a few days chance to see if the app grows on you...?

Thanks Jona for the quick reply. The next/prev buttons are useful, but I listed more than 50 radio stations in my fav list, so its a bit annoying to skip through them all. Maybe it makes sense to move the player screen to the left, maybe between "Start" and "Favorites", or betwen "Favorites" and "Top Hits"...



It is an interesting idea. I'll keep that in mind.


I also found this annoying as soon as I updated to the new version. 

It feels like it would be much more handy if the "tab bar" on the top had it's original position all the way to the left, and started with Player, then Favorites, Genre, Search, History, and last Settings. 

Maybe change the size of the buttons a bit so it's always possible to see three at a time. 

And skip Top Hits in the top bar, and maybe make it as some kind of sub-menu in the Genre or Search section. 

Also the Home button feels like it takes too much space without any real functionality? Maybe it could be a fixed slim/small button in the edge somewhere with Home. 

Or even better; make it possible to choose what buttons should be visible in the top "tab bar", and what order they should be in :) 


Great feedback! Yes, the top menu bar needs a bit more tweaking I must agree.  I believe moving the buttons around definitively would help. I also believe making a custom menu bar order and number of options would be nice... :) These are some of the things we are already thinking around :)

 My name is neither Romney nor Obama, but I still approve this message.


Thanks a lot for your feedback. As you might noticed on recent releases we moved the favorites page to be on the left of the player and history to the right o fit.


We took your recommendation and came up with that simple solution. Now it is a swipe away or a button press on the menu bar to get to favorites.

The favorites shortcut isn't working too well for me on 4.3 Google Edition Galaxy S4. I can create the shortcuts on desktop and they launch fine. But after launching one shortcut, if I go back to desktop and launch a different shortcut, it simply brings the app to the foreground and does not change the already playing station.

Also, would love to see the ability to re-order the favorites in the app.
Mmm... That sounds like a bug with the home screen shortcuts. If you can and don't mind please backup your favorites and send them to us. Also, if you can reproduce the issue and do a bug report by going into settings and pressing "Bug report". Thanks!

You can currently order your favorites by date added, last player, name, and play count. Ordering manually could be a good feature too. Well look into it soon. :)