Max retries reached.......
Hi Jona, am really enjoying version 2.1.8, reconnection during signal inturruption (like when the phone swiches from wifi to 3g) is much faster now. :-) My question for you today is when the connection to wifi and 3g is lost, Xiialive will give up trying to reconnect after a piriod of time. Are there any plans in the future to give the user the option for Xiialive to keep trying to reconnect to the stream indefinitely? That would be great if you could do that. Thank you for all your hard work on this application, it is the best! :-)

Jona (Lead Developer) 14 years ago
Hi, sorry for late reply! The unlimited retries should work with Wifi or 3G. Could you provide the exact scenario to reproduce the retries to stop working? This seems more like a bug actually :)

Hi Jona. Please disregard this paticular post as the reconnection issue seems to have been greatly improved with ver. 2.2.2. ( I dont remember how old this post is since I mentioned ver. 2.1.8) I'll give you further information in response to my newer posting concerning the internal streaming engine issues. Thank you! :-)

Hi, sorry for late reply! The unlimited retries should work with Wifi or 3G. Could you provide the exact scenario to reproduce the retries to stop working? This seems more like a bug actually :)
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