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Bluetooth PAN usage

Mikhail Progunov 10 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 10 років тому 1
I have two android devices. First device (A) provides to second device (B) internet access via bluetooth. Device A large and heavy so I keep it in the bag or deep in pocket. Device B is used mostly as phone and I keep it near my hands. Question is: Is xiilive able to use bluetooth PAN connection?


Є відповідь
Hey, as far as I know, you should be able to stream via a PAN connection unless the PAN connection is setting up some type of proxy. In the case where there is a proxy setup it might not work while using the FFMpeg stream engine, however it could work while using the Android stream engine.
Є відповідь
Hey, as far as I know, you should be able to stream via a PAN connection unless the PAN connection is setting up some type of proxy. In the case where there is a proxy setup it might not work while using the FFMpeg stream engine, however it could work while using the Android stream engine.