
I can't find any stations?

Vivian Musil 14 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 3 5 duplicates

Can't find any stations!

There seems to be no stations at all?

Where are all the popular stations?

The radio listing currently suck!?

Genre search returns nothing or 1-2 stations, why?



The SHOUTcast radio directory service is currently experiencing server side issues.  This is the reason why there aren't that many stations now and why you can't find your favorite stations.

We hope SHOUTcast can resolve this issue ASAP!  Here is a link related to SHOUTcast developers in charge of this service:


Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Under review

Currently there are some issues with the SHOUTcast radio directory services.  I'm merging this to common issue. 

Duplicates 5

 Same here. Everything was working fine, but all of a sudden search is down (also searching via genre). Instead of displaying the list of stations as it did before, it now just says "Unable to connect! Check your connection?". My connection is working fine (tested both WiFi and 3g)

Weird thing is, the staions already in my history and favourites play fine. It's just the search that's broken. I thought it might be a shoutcast problem, though, because the Winamp android app's shoutcast search is broken also.

Now some hours later thats working again.
I don't understand.
But thanks for the support

There is currently issues with the SHOUTcast radio directory servers.  They are currently trying to resolve this issue.  Sorry about the inconvinience... 


The SHOUTcast radio directory service is currently experiencing server side issues.  This is the reason why there aren't that many stations now and why you can't find your favorite stations.

We hope SHOUTcast can resolve this issue ASAP!  Here is a link related to SHOUTcast developers in charge of this service:


Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Under review

Currently there are some issues with the SHOUTcast radio directory services.  I'm merging this to common issue. 


The SHOUTcast radio directory service is currently experiencing server side issues.  This is the reason why there aren't that many stations now and why you can't find your favorite stations.

We hope SHOUTcast can resolve this issue ASAP!  Here is a link related to SHOUTcast developers in charge of this service:


Sorry for the inconvenience.