Under review

Audio Focus Via Bluetooth

Jamey Sewell 11 ár síðan updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 10 ár síðan 1
Running XiaaLive Pro (Current as of 7-7-14) on Android 4.4.2 on Note 3 Via Chevy Equinox Bluetooth Radio.

The only way I can get Xiia to work through my bluetooth radio is to activate "Google Voice Search" and exit out of it.

If I have "ignore Audio Focus" selected, Xiialive goes through my radio fine.... however, I really need Audio focus enabled so that Xiialive audio is dimmed when using turn by turn directions. Is there a workaround? 


Under review
We have released various updates since your post that could have resolved this issue. Specially with the latest release currently rolling out v3.3.0 we have modified how the internal audio focus behaves.

Just to understand the issue... You are saying that using the google navigation is causing XiiaLive to mute its audio and not return while connected to BT? And when not connected to BT the issue doesn't happen?
Under review
We have released various updates since your post that could have resolved this issue. Specially with the latest release currently rolling out v3.3.0 we have modified how the internal audio focus behaves.

Just to understand the issue... You are saying that using the google navigation is causing XiiaLive to mute its audio and not return while connected to BT? And when not connected to BT the issue doesn't happen?