
Verbally command Google Now to launch XiiaLive Pro and play a station

Terina C 10 aastat tagasi Android uuendaja Ben Aldhouse 6 aastat tagasi 3

How can I verbally command Google Now to launch XiiaLive Pro and play a specified favorite station? I'd like to use Google Now voice commands to launch the XiiaLive Pro app and begin playing a specified previously saved station.



It has been a while since this was posted here. However, recently Google Now and Google Assistant seem to be allowing apps to take advantage of their features. I can't promise when but I have set this feature request as nice to have.


Any progress on this?


It has been a while since this was posted here. However, recently Google Now and Google Assistant seem to be allowing apps to take advantage of their features. I can't promise when but I have set this feature request as nice to have.


I do this by compiling Tasker applications for shortcuts for the channels. For instance, I will create and install an app called 'Task 6 Music' which launches my BBC 6 Music favourite. I can then use 'Hey Google: Launch 'Task 6 Music'.
What I really, really, really want to know is how I can stop xiialive player playing with a voice command on an unrooted phone?