
Favorites Scan

Michael Duncan 13 лет назад обновлен Jona (Lead Developer) 13 лет назад 1
I noticed in the settings menu that there are scan options, including duration and whether you want to scan to be random. Is this supposed to be for favorite stations? I cannot figure out how it works. After I select a favorite, the first favorite that comes up after I select the forward arrows is random, but after that if goes through my favorites in alphabetical order. It also does not change favorites after 15 seconds. Is this feature in effect for the most  recent beta? If it is, how do I access it?


Ah! I'll be making tutorial videos for all the new features once we release Xiia officially. :)

So the feature SCAN mimics your car stereo scan feature...  How it works is that you go to a list of stations. It can be used on any favorites, top hits, genre or a search lists. Simple drag down on the selected menu bar button to get the drop down menu options for that list. There you will find the SCAN feature.  Let me know what you think!
Ah! I'll be making tutorial videos for all the new features once we release Xiia officially. :)

So the feature SCAN mimics your car stereo scan feature...  How it works is that you go to a list of stations. It can be used on any favorites, top hits, genre or a search lists. Simple drag down on the selected menu bar button to get the drop down menu options for that list. There you will find the SCAN feature.  Let me know what you think!
Thank you very much! That was the first time I noticed the three horizontal line on the selected menu bar button.

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