Not a bug

Trying to backup Favourites produces an "error 2".

geek6oy 12 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 12 years ago 4

Just upgraded to version 3 from Play and get "error 2" when trying to backup to xml.

HTC One X, Android 4.0.4


Not a bug

This is an IO error. It seems the app can't store into a file. We currently require external storage. If your device doesn't have that it will error.

If you believe it does have external storage collecting the logs after you reproduce the issue could help us understand the issue:


We will be improving the backup method so that it doesn't require external storage and so you can easily pick where to store the backup.

Under review

This is an IO error. It seems the app can't store into a file. We currently require external storage. If your device doesn't have that it will error.

If you believe it does have external storage collecting the logs after you reproduce the issue could help us understand the issue:


We will be improving the backup method so that it doesn't require external storage and so you can easily pick where to store the backup.

Hello Jona,

Just tried this and, of course, the backup now worked fine.  Didn't change anything as far as I know, except maybe a reboot of the phone.

So, guess you can mark it closed.



Great! Thanks for letting me know... Could have been that your SDcard was not ready or something like that...

Not a bug

This is an IO error. It seems the app can't store into a file. We currently require external storage. If your device doesn't have that it will error.

If you believe it does have external storage collecting the logs after you reproduce the issue could help us understand the issue:


We will be improving the backup method so that it doesn't require external storage and so you can easily pick where to store the backup.

Hi Jona,

I got the "Error 2"  today. here is the logcat:

E/BackupAndRestore(13833): dbToXmlFile() -> /mnt/sdcard/xiialive/backup/backup.xiia (No such file or directory)

however the problem is gone after the this under adb shell

mkdir -p /mnt/sdcard/xiialive/backup/

maybe you can add some code to ensure the backup folder is exist.

Thanks for the log! Yeah for some reason the folder somehow disappeared while a static reference was kept and that caused a similar issue.  The cause could have been that the external storage was not available.