

Vincenz Dreger 13 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago 22 1 duplicate

After prebuffering I get an error on new XiiaLive Pro 3.0.0: 


With old XiiaLive Pro 2.2.4, I never get this error.  I hope you can fix it.



- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 P6810, Android 4.0.4

- Droid Bionic


Under review

Thanks for your feedback about this issue.  If you could reproduce the issue and immediately collect the logs it would help us better understand what is going on.

Simple guide to collect logs:


This should no longer be an issue when using the latest release of XiiaLive along with the default FFMPEG stream engine.
Duplicates 1
Under review

Thanks for your feedback about this issue.  If you could reproduce the issue and immediately collect the logs it would help us better understand what is going on.

Simple guide to collect logs:


Thanks, collected the log in long format.  What email address do I need to send it to?

Please send it to xiialive@visualblasters.com. Shout set log in time format. :)

@saab master: Makes it fun to copy other people their posts?

Well, I supposed saab you could have continue on the previous post... :P But it's fine I have merged both of your posts :)

 Sent the log, can you please confirm if you received it?  Thanks

Got your log thanks! Could you let me know the android version your device is running?

Under review

I actually have the same device with the same Android version installed and I couldn't reproduce your issue.  Could you try restarting your device and see if the issue still happens?

 motorola droid Bionic on android 2.3.4 system version 5.9.902.xt875

After reboot the device, I have the same problem.

I only have the problem with the above stream URL

since Version 3.0. Other streams works fine.

Since update to XiiaLivePro I get this error after prebuffering:


In the meantime, I've updated Firmware from P6810XXLPK (2. Jul 2012)

to P6810XXLPL (17. Jul 2012). The problem remains the same.

Yeah, last update I changed the error message to be a little more informative for us. Again, this is only that particular station correct?

Yes, this is only in that station with Version 3.0. I have tested 10 other 

stations without an error. Then I have downgrade from 3.0 to 2.2.4 for

testing again the sams station and it works fine with 2.2.4.

Same thing here Jonathan, downgraded to 2.2 and all my stations work.

Android market just updated me to xiaalive, same issue persists.  I get the error on all my stations.  One example is kver.streamon.fm

 Hi Jona, have you managed to do some progress here?  Still cant access any radio station.  Thanks

I was kinda betting on the last update to possibly fix this issue.. but I see it didn't... :/  I might try some changes and possibly build a custom apk and I'll post it here... If I don't reply in the next few days please send me a bump! :)

Hey guys I just want to recap the issue going on here. Saab and Vincenz both confirmed that streaming using Xiialive 2.2.4 things work fine while on the latest version of XiiaLive things aren't working.

Please let me know the audio format of the stations you are having issues with? AAC/AAC+ or MPEG? Also, if it's happening with all stations of the one format or just some stations. If just some stations please provide the links to those stations if possible so that I can see what they have in common and why they aren't working.

I just want to recap so that I can dive into this issue and see what has changed that could have caused this issue.

Hi Jona, it's MPEG Layer3 with 96kbit/s.

 Hi Jona, its AAC+ 96kbps

This should no longer be an issue when using the latest release of XiiaLive along with the default FFMPEG stream engine.