
Timeout on WiFi

Jake Le 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jona (Lead Developer) 11 aastat tagasi 0

Keep getting timeout on wifi. Please consider increasing the app connection timeout value.   It's too short. The app works fine on mobile/cellular network. 



The timeout value is set at 10 seconds as default. This allows the smart recovery to quickly retry a connection without loosing any audio data. Is the smart recovery not working when it timeouts? The timeout value can be changed on XiiaLive Pro but I'll look at the default set value to see if it could be larger.


The timeout value is set at 10 seconds as default. This allows the smart recovery to quickly retry a connection without loosing any audio data. Is the smart recovery not working when it timeouts? The timeout value can be changed on XiiaLive Pro but I'll look at the default set value to see if it could be larger.