Other directories?
Are there gonna be any more directories in the future, like icecast, jazzradio.com, etc? I really want to get rid of tunein radio from my apps because it's inferior in most ways to xiia, but I like the extra stations so I still use it occasionally. Not complaining, just wondering. It would make an already awesome app awesome-er :p

Thanks for your feedback! We currently have 3 directories as you might have seen. We do want to add icecast very soon however their APIs aren't great so it is a bit hard to implement their directory. I will look into jazzradio.com directory.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks for your feedback! We currently have 3 directories as you might have seen. We do want to add icecast very soon however their APIs aren't great so it is a bit hard to implement their directory. I will look into jazzradio.com directory.