
Loved your free app,Thank you

Tom McCool 13 лет назад обновлен Jona (Lead Developer) 12 лет назад 0
Thank you again for the use of your APP. All was well until SPRINT UPDATED, it just would not stay connected, now it might have been ok for two days to two hrs you just never knew when you were going to have to pull battery. So now that the market has changed I was able to purchase your APP, and thats the ticket. Now I just downloaded it changed nothing at first , and guess what? All is working great. Had a few bumps, but it settled down, and stayed connected. WOW what a difference that made, no more stuck and having to take the battery out. I'm using a LG OP S, 670series, ANDROID 2.3.3, Sprint Network.

Thank you again,
Tom McCool
p.s. I can now again run police scanner pro, using both volume cotrols I can have scanner louder then This APP, so its great now having the scanner run as background when it speaks. I highly reccomend it to anyone looking for an APP of your quality



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