
LG Enact - phone call audio stops working after playing over bluetooth

Darrell 10 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 10 years ago 5
Using Android 4.4.2

I can't hear phone calls after playing music over Bluetooth in my car.

Reproduce steps
1. Connect to Bluetooth in Ford Escape (Microsoft Sync)
2. Start xiialive and play a station
3. Disconnect from car/bluetooth
4. Try to place a phone call - Can't hear anything.

Here is a related Verizon forum thread: https://community.verizonwireless.com/thread/840658


Thanks for reporting this issue. We've seen similar reported issues with Samsung devices before. The issues where due to bugs introduced by a new Android update. My guess the same thing is happening with this device.

About the error you are getting E:-14 this means an internal error -> ERR_SDL_AUDIO_INIT_FAILED. This is a bug we have resolved and will be part of the next release. I'm not sure but this error issue could maybe in some way improve the BT call issues.
I also get a lot of E:14 errors, unable to connect.  I don't know if it's directly related.  I got those errors with my last devices, too.
Thanks for reporting this issue. We've seen similar reported issues with Samsung devices before. The issues where due to bugs introduced by a new Android update. My guess the same thing is happening with this device.

About the error you are getting E:-14 this means an internal error -> ERR_SDL_AUDIO_INIT_FAILED. This is a bug we have resolved and will be part of the next release. I'm not sure but this error issue could maybe in some way improve the BT call issues.
Thanks Jona.  Would you recommend updating to Android 5.0?
Hey sorry for the delay. At the moment our app is not 100% updated for Android 5 with BT. However, we are getting ready for an update hopefully this week. :)