À l'étude


Beau Jackson il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Gary il y a 9 ans 6
Been using XiiaLive for a long time and I love it :) The pro version of the XiiaLive no longer scrobbles data ever since Last.fm updated their app. It appears to be scrobbling, but nothing gets sent to them.


À l'étude

Hello Gary,

it's an issue that we're trying to solve for next release.


BTW I'm using Android on a Galaxy S5
UPDATE: I started using the app called "Scrobb for Last.fm" and it's working. I'm sure it's just something with the new official Last.fm app.
Solution recherchée
Thanks for the info. I'll take a look. For some reason I thought Last.FM was no longer allowing scrobbling.

Thanks for taking a look into this. Any updates? Last.fm most certainly still allows scrobbling. I've also heard from others that it's not working with Simple Last.fm Scrobbler either.

I can't use Scrobb for Last.fm because it won't scrobble my music player for local files (GoneMAD Music Player). Same issue that XiiaLive seems to be having with the official Last.fm app; shows now playing but never scrobbles.

À l'étude

Hello Gary,

it's an issue that we're trying to solve for next release.



Thank you for following up on this Rodrigo!