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Bluetooth Controls?

Anonim 14 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jona (Lead Developer) 14 lat temu 1
Shold they work start, stop skip?


Z odpowiedzią
We currently support the play/stop controls. Some applications take away the media controls and never get to XiiaLive. We are in a way upset that some applications are very aggressive in terms of these controls. We are most likely to provide these aggressive controls but always with an options to turn it off.
Upcoming update v2.1.6 contains this feature. STOP and START. Paid version will allow skipping favorites.
Z odpowiedzią
We currently support the play/stop controls. Some applications take away the media controls and never get to XiiaLive. We are in a way upset that some applications are very aggressive in terms of these controls. We are most likely to provide these aggressive controls but always with an options to turn it off.