
Feature Request: Bluetooth Volume Setting (per device)

Thomas Forrester fa 11 anys updated by Jona (Lead Developer) fa 10 anys 1
This one would really make life SO much better!

When I jump in the car, I turn on my bluetooth device which lets me listen to XiiaLive over the car's stereo.  I use Tasker to set the media volume to full.  XiiaLive automatically connects to the bluetooth and plays whatever station I was last listening to.

So far so good.

Problem is that there is no way to automate a volume setting in XiiaLive on connect to a specific bluetooth device.  I'm using Internal Volume because I would prefer XiiaLive not alter the system media volume setting.  XiiaLive plays at whatever the last internal volume setting was, and that is typically too low for the car, so I end up having to go into XiiaLive just to set its internal volume.  There does not seem to be any way to automate that setting externally (e.g., via Tasker) - or is there?

My request:
For each bluetooth device, could you add a volume-on-connect setting to allow us to establish a preferred volume on connect?  Since others may find this an annoyance, perhaps a toggle to turn this on or off as desired on a device by device basis would be good, too.

Thank You!


Really cool feature request! :) 

I totally understand the issue and I'm looking into adding this feature very soon.
Really cool feature request! :) 

I totally understand the issue and I'm looking into adding this feature very soon.