Cannot seek in the Seekbar
I have a Verizon Glaxay Nexus and it seems that ever since I upgraded to Android 4.2.2 I can no longer seek correctly with the Seekbar. Any time I go to move the bar to any location of buffered music it always goes back to the begining of the stream. The Seekbar does fill and the metadata points are still there. I have the Stream engine set to Android since that's the only setting that works (even before when I was on Android 4.1). If I have it set to FFMpeg no stations will connect also the same when I was on Android 4.1.

Thanks for the feedback. This is an issue that was seen on Nexus4 devices also running the same OS version. My guess is there is something on Android that has changed in this OS version that is causing issues. I'll be looking to see if I can resolve the issue.
About the FFmpeg stream engine what issues are you essentially having? By the way we are working on a much more improved stream engine that will allow recording and seeking just about any audio format. Now date for release yet...

I decided to look a little deeper in to the FFMpeg issue I’m having and found that it seems to be related to the bit rate a stream is set to. I have tried these bit rates with success 24kbps, 52, 64, 112, 128, 192, 320. The bit rates that fail (of the ones I tried, there may be more) are 32kbps and 134. With those two I will get what seems to be a random amount of “fail to connect” and “unexpected stop” messages before getting the “Max Retries Reached”. I have “Unlimited retries” off and therefore it get a total of 6 random fails and unexpected messages. The .977 stations seem to be in 134kbps if you wish to try. Hope this helps.

I have the same issue with Galaxy Nexus running Android 4.3.
When I seek once, it jumps to the beginning of my buffer.
Sometimes it's worse: No matter where I seek, it says "Buffering 0%" and that's it. No sound.
It gets even worse when I seek while losing connection.
A common use case of mine:
If I know that I'll enter an area where I lose the internet connection or it is so bad that streaming is impossible then I seek back so that the music doesn't stop while in that area. I expect it to continue smoothly once the internet connection is reliable again - just skipping the part of the stream where it lost connection. That barely works :(

I have the same problem with the seek bar. It will rewind only to the beginning.

We will no longer be supporting fixes on the current XiiaLive release stream engine. We are almost complete with a brand new stream engine that will be the best any app has ever seen! It is fast and very smart! It will support seeking for any audio format. Beta will be released sometime this month.

I shall be happy to test the Beta version; how would I get it?

I use Xiia Live Pro everyday at work for hours and get distracted from daily duties and the seek bar really comes in handy.

However, I've installed the Beta version, and I'm pleased to report that it works properly.
Any idea when the fix will be released to XiiaLive Pro?

If you can't wait for the official release please download XiiaLive Beta to check it out! Let us know how it works for you! :)

If you can't wait for the official release please download XiiaLive Beta to check it out! Let us know how it works for you! :)

Hello I have a new problem with the XIIA app, I have one radio station that I usually listen to everyday, WJJO out of madison WI, and it stopped working one day and I tried to uninstall and reinstall the app without success. The WJJO radio station does work in other apps such as the JJO app and Tunein radio. Any Suggestions?
I have not tried to restore the phone as of yet, I was hoping not to have to because everything else is working great.

What kind of phone do you have? I just tried it with mine, and the station doesn't work on there either.
There are a couple of reasons why this problem could be happening to you.

I have an LG G6 now and it used to work. All the other local stations work just fine to thats why its weird.

Gonna look into it...usually work on major phones n networks. There is an iPhone app and Android app. Thank you!

Hello users,
I download the app on my phone just now just to check it out and its working great...streaming Dennis Brown and now bob marley. Android phone CvsRadio1 - Reggae Jam
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