XiiaLive now has constanly running background process taking up memory
The latest version V2.1.8 runs a background process taking up significant memory on my Droid X, even when I am not using XiaaLive. I tried stopping it but it starts up again.
Maybe this process is to support Bluetooth controls when XiiLive is not in active use and "Media Controls" is set "on"?
Can you please please exit the process when XiiaLive is not in use and "Media Controls" is "off"?

Thanks Jona for the response. However I do see XiiaLive listed under Settings...Applications...Running services as com.android.DroidLivePlayer. It also says TagWidget4x1$TagActionService. The SystemPanel app also lists com.android.DroidLivePlayer as a running background application. XiiaLive is also listed as Running under Settings...Applications...Manage Applications.
Could it be the widget that is keeping it running?
Could it be the widget that is keeping it running?

Thanks for the details. Your are correct about the widget issue. I'll be fixing that!

Lot of improvements on this next update! I have just hugely improved the streaming logic to use less memory and CPU... I hope this does improve a lot more. Also, there was a hanging process cause by the widget which is also fixed and will be available on v2.1.9 next week! :)

Ok, this one is a bit complicated for a lot of users to understand and I completely see why...
Once you stop the music everything is shutdown and nothing is working on the background. When you take a look at running services you will see that it is not running. However if you look at the running processes you will see XiiaLive. Because you see a process it doesn't mean is running. Android keeps these processes in memory just in case the process needs to run right away, making things load up faster. If more memory is needed Android removes these cached processes right away!
Update 05/20/11:
- v2.1.9 is out and improved few areas. Please provide your feedback. :) Thanks!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Ok, this one is a bit complicated for a lot of users to understand and I completely see why...
Update 05/20/11:
- v2.1.9 is out and improved few areas. Please provide your feedback. :) Thanks!