Tus comentarios

Ich habe eine harte Zeit das Verständnis der Übersetzung. Beantragen Sie eine Option, um Ihr Land auszuwählen und haben Stationen von dort erscheinen?
We are doing a maintenance release soon and believe to have a small fix so that you can see XiiaLive on the Android Market.
Thanks for your feedback! We will at least increase the amount of retries for next update if not add the option to retry unlimited.

The end goal is to provide easy access via the player to toggle the retries to a count or unlimited.
Hi! thanks for your feedback! We are adding the internal volume control as an option on the next update... :)
This sounds like it could be a bug. Does it happen every time? Does this issue happen with v2.1.6? What phone and Android version do you have?
Are you usually on the go when the connection drops? Are you using Wifi? Please let me know your scenario.

If you are on the Sprint or Verizon Network check the following:
Note, that paid and free versions can be installed on the phone. That means both can be used simultaneously. We generally recommend uninstalling the free version to avoid confusion. If you have already some stations on your free version make sure to back them up via settings so that you can load them on the paid version.

There are two easy ways to tell which version you are running. One, check the launch icon if it has the lite word on it. If it does than it's not the paid version. Two, when you open the app look at the XiiaLive logo. If it has the lite word on it it's not the paid version.