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Soon we will be distributing our application on another market. Also, we might provide the free application easily via our website. For the paid version, well it's a little bit tricky. We try to protect ourself's from pirating but it's something that never ends...
Simply long press the favorite item you like to remove and you will be prompter with a few options to remove. Just press remove once and confirm removal by pressing "you sure?" button...
It's definitely a Market issue... :( try restarting your phone... could help...
That's interesting concept... I'll have to give it a try and see how it would feel. Thx!
Thanks for the link... The issue with streaming MPEG content seems to have to do with some bug in HTC :( Can you check if AAC streams work? They should...
I have a few Android phones and tried searching and found the app in all of them... This is weird, but I know some users have this issue and after a few hours or days they can see it... To me this issue is a bit frustrating cause users like you can't find our app... If you search "shoutcast" what streaming apps do you see if any?
Update: Was able to reproduce the issue but only with MPEG streams. All AAC/AAC+ streams work fine. Connected to WiFi MPEG streams work fine. Now digging in to see what's the issue...
??? There are a few users having similar issues and that are participating on this forum... Kevin C, Steve Cornell, and you. :)
Great information guys! I'm currently installing the latest update to my HTC EVO and I really hope I can get the same issues you are all having. Hopefully its an easy obvious fix! Well usually it's not... :P Thanks again!
We do support m3u playlists but not actual OGG audio format. That's why you where able to add the playlist link to your favorites but at the time of playing the links inside the playlist you got the unsupported format error. Please note that we are adding OGG support very soon.