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Thanks for the great feedback! We really appreciate it! Next update v2.1.6 should bring lot of fixes and new cool features!

Thanks again!
The actual AAC quality issue is dependant on the Android decoders which we don't have access to... Unfortunately we can't do anything about that for now... Very soon as I mentioned before we hope to have a brand new streaming engine that is none depandant on the Android Media Framework.
Yeah, well Android is so fragmented we have such a hard time getting AAC or MPEG working on all phones... It's always some bug on Android :( Hopefully soon we will have something none dependant on Android Media platform... :)
Can you send us the error logs when you reproduce the issue on the Advent Vega device? Download "Log Collector" from the Android Market. Right after you reproduce the issue run this app. It will prepare an email, send that to us at support@xiialive.com
- Thanks!
Thanks for the link... I checked the logs and yeah they are the same as the issues I'm seeing on the emulator... Something wrong with the media framework on Android... :( I hope they fix it soon.
You can currently edit your favorites easily by long pressing a favorite item from the list. You can than edit it's category, title and url links.

You can also rename or delete all stations under a particular category. To do this you would have to long press the category item from the list.

We currently don't provide any other ordering filters but we will in the near future.

Hope this made sense if not I'll be more than glad to try again explaining :)
I like the enthusiasm you have with our work and customizing... I feel a little weary about going under the apk changing things. The next update we are releasing will have the added open API support. These will be intents you can send and catch to the streaming service.
I have investigated the particular KBLO station and was able to reproduce the issue rarely.

Event though this is a very low bitrate station, I have seen that the data connection sometimes lags a lot causing the app to go into buffering mode. The player is starving because the data rate goes up and down inconsistently.

Thanks to that station, I was able to find other bugs in the app. This fix should improve streaming of these types of streams.
Yes, I like those styles of designs... I'm not a designer, I'm the developer if I tried making one would look very bad! :P Our graphic designer is a bit busy with other work and tends to be hard to get more UI updates on the app fast enough... If you already have a design for a widget post a link so we can check it out ;) thanks!
It definitely is possible and we would like to provide this option. But I would have to research a little more about the subject since we are a small company and don't want to get in trouble... :) Thanks for the feedback, we are planning on something in the area of your suggestion. I can't say what it is but it definitely will be a cool feature!