Twoje komentarze

Cool, but I'm still puzzled why you are having the HTTP 502 error...  Do you have any apps that are virus or app monitors running on your device?  Somehow something is blocking the network from working via "Java layer".

We are getting ready to release officially V3.0.0 hopefully soon!

I have looked over the code and realized there where things missing.... :/ good catch! It is now fixed and should be available on the next update.

I have found some issues with the next/prev buttons but on the home screen widget.  Could you reproduce the issue and collect the logs? This should help me figure out what could be going wrong.

Awesome! Thanks for the update! :)

Skipping by your favorites requires to have the paid version installed. Sorry it's really not that obvious... :(  Well be improving this area...

I have found the reason why the state of the equalizer was lost. This fix will be part of the next release. Thanks for your help!

Was able to see the issue but I'm not sure yet of a solution. There is an error when connecting HTTP error 502 Bad Gateway.  This should like something weird on the device being unable to connect to server. Are you able to open webpages on your browser? Can you try using the FFMpeg stream engine? You can change it under settings->stream.

New update coming out in a few days! :)

Thanks for posting about this important topic.  We are a tiny company and sometimes it's a bit hard to stay on top of various things... :/ However I'll be working on getting some type of privacy policy and way to turn off this feature if desired by the user.

Mean while for all those that wish to opt-out you can do so here: