Twoje komentarze

If the station you are looking for is Howard Stern please see the following post.

Please note that some stations might go down and some times they do come back up. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey guys, unfortunately we don't control the content of the directory. We've previously seen this particular station disappear and come back up. Hope this time it returns.
Unfortunately this is a bug with Samsung devices. We have tried all tricks and hacks but where unable to resolve the issue. :/ Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey, we have updated the app a few times with some important changes to our FFMpeg stream engine. Please let me know if you still have issue with the latest release v3.3.0.2.

About the Android stream engine issues. Well, this engine is no longer being worked on due to the amount of issues various devices have with it. We have allocated all our time making the FFmpeg stream engine the best engine possible and we highly recommend using it.
Hey, I just checked the station to see if it was working. Everything seems to be working fine. We have released various important updates since your post that could have fixed this issue. Please let me know if you still have any issues.

By the way I tested using the FFMpeg stream engine.
Hey, as far as I know, you should be able to stream via a PAN connection unless the PAN connection is setting up some type of proxy. In the case where there is a proxy setup it might not work while using the FFMpeg stream engine, however it could work while using the Android stream engine.
Perfect! Thanks for letting me know :) Also, the new design you can collapse the player to hide the volume control. Make sure the player is expanded by swiping up on the player page to see the volume control.
Hi, unfortunately we currently don't have all stations available on XiiaLive. You could try finding your station using the following suggested methods.

Witam, niestety obecnie nie mają wszystkie stacje dostępne na XiiaLive . Możesz spróbować znaleźć stację przy użyciu następujących sugerowanych metod .