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You can read the metadata coming from XiiaLive by listening to the following intent:

* Broadcast sent out every time there is new metadata available.
* @Extra 
public final static String ACTION_NOTIFY_METADATA = "com.vblast.xiialive.service.ACTION_NOTIFY_METADATA";


What particular scrobbler intents where you hopping us to support?  Maybe we can implement them...
Closing this issue. Should be working with latest releases.
Hey thanks for the request! I recently got a Chromecast device to start exploring with it and see if we can pull something. It could take a while for us to release something since we are a bit tight with time. :( However, it is something I personally want to do.
This issue should be resolved on the latest version of XiiaLive available.
This should be resolved with the latest available versions on Amazon AppStore.
Issue has been resolved and is part of the latest XiiaLive Beta release.
Hey, yeah last update should resolve this issue. Simply remove the favorite with the issue and re-add it.
I took a look at it. Hopefully soon I can add at least something simple. I can't promise when I will have this since I'm a bit busy with other features for Xiia.

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