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We currently don't provide a way to search for radios by countries. However, you can try searching for stations via search. Also, you can go to vtuner.com and finding there stations from a particular country. Once you find it simply click on the station and open it with XiiaLive. You can then save the station as a favorite.

Thanks for your feedback! Sorry took this long to reply... Please try reproducing the issue and right away collect the logs. Hopefully that allows me to see what is causing this issue.


Thanks for your feedback! Sorry took this long to reply... Please try reproducing the issue and right away collect the logs. Hopefully that allows me to see what is causing this issue.


Please try reproducing the issue and right after you reproduce the issue collect the logs. This should hopefully give me a hint to what could be the cause of the issue.


Are you having issues with MPEG or AAC streams?  We are currently working on a much better and advanced streamer that should solve various issues. I don't have a release date but all I can say is that we are working on it actively.

I would recommend you turn ON Media control settings option under App Control.  This will make XiiaLive the default handler for all playback events and should override the Android music app from trying to play anything.  With that I would recommend not to use the Bluetooth options to auto start and stop playback since your car stereo seems to be sending play and stop commands automatically.

Please make sure the car stereo is sending a stop command and not pause when you switch away from BT. This you can confirm by looking at the XiiaLive player.

Hey sorry took sooo long for a reply.  The actual audio routing to BT device is not handled by us. That is something that Android does on its own.  About the BT pause causing Xiia to stop it is something we have done on purpose. The reason is that with regular local file playback pause is enough to stop all player activities. However, with live streaming pausing would only cause playback to be paused but Xiia would continue downloading the live stream.

There seem to be an issue with the new integration of Pocket Change rewards system. We are already looking into it to try to resolve the issue ASAP. Thanks for your feedback!

There seem to be an issue with the new integration of Pocket Change rewards system. We are already looking into it to try to resolve the issue ASAP. Thanks for your feedback!

Does this issue happen to you occasionally or always? Can you reproduce the issue fairly easy? If you could describe steps on how to reproduce it it would help me narrow down possible causes.

When you get the bursts of audio you are already streaming music and it gets loud all the sudden correct?

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