Ваші коментарі

Great idea! Feel free to create a new post for those ideas! :)

Thanks for your feedback! Yes, streaming over CDMA network can be a pain.  The issue as you said is that after sending or receiving a text msg the data connection needs to be interrupted.  Because of that interruption we loose the live stream connection.  There is no way for us to continue streaming exactly where it left off such as mp3 file streaming applications.  If we where to try to reconnect immediately and append the data you would hear skipped audio.  That might not be a bad case for user such as yourself...

What's the solution to us is implement an immediate reconnection option under settings.  However this implementation is a bit tricky.  I can't promise when we would have such option but definitely I'll set it as planned!

Thanks again for your feedback!

Not sure why you couldn't post with your previous screen name. That's weird... Make sure you are logged in to the other user name...

In regards to the progress on this work... I'm still waiting from the developer to provide first beta version of the library...

Update changes:
  • Internal/External Volume control option added
  • AAC streaming choppy/shuttery, fixed
  • Rarely player starts playing automatically when going to the player, fixed
  • Widget broken, looses text information, fixed
  • Headset unplug stop sound fx disabled
  • BT disconnect auto stop sound fx disabled
  • Widget name 1x4 to 4x1
  • Updated flury library
  • Less intrusive licensing check*
  • Improved unlicensed warning message*
  • Updated mobclix library**
  • Added new permission GET_TASKS required by mobclix**

*Paid version
**Free version

Yes, it's not expected to address issues with streaming AAC on Android 2.3 devices.  Only some phones having issues streaming AAC on Android 2.1 or 2.2.

We think that having two separate volumes was very inconvenient for a lot of users. Essentially if the volume was too low you had to unlock the screen and raise the volume and at the same time lower the phones's volume.

**Update, we will add the separate volume control as an option under settings on the next update.


Update v2.1.7 added new option to switch back to independent volume control.

Thanks for your feedback! Could you let me know what phone you have and what version of android is running? Also, does this happen with all stations? Does it happen with AAC stations or MPEG stations?


Closing this post for now.  Please let me know if you are still having issues with the latest version of XiiaLive.

Please let us know if update v2.1.6 has fixed this issue.


Closing this post.  Please let me know if you are still having issues.