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Definitely the current implementation needs more review and improvement. I'll open this thread again to continue work.
Hello! Amazom App Market is coming soon! So you can expect our app to be there available for purchase. :)
Does it happen with every mpeg stream? If it's a particular one please let me know the url link.
Thanks for your feedback! I have posted a reply above please see that and reply to it. Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your feedback! What phone do you have? In general custom ROMs have been an issue for us. But you have said that after update v2.1.6 things have started to work badly... Can you let me know if the issue is with MPEG streams or AAC streams? I'm thinking the issue is with AAC streams. Please verify and let me know, this should help me further investigate the issue.
The new streaming engine has been hard at work and has taken a long time to complete. The goal is to release it first supporting Window Media formats, that is mms/wma. Once that is used and tested we would add all other formats. Our estimated time for first beta release will be ends of March as of now.
Caching radio stations for later listening would be great. We would like to do it but since we are partnered with SHOUTcast there are some legal guidelines we need to follow. Part of those guidelines are not to record the broadcast content. We currently have a few ideas that could in some way resolve the issues you mentioned, we are left to present them to SHOUTcast for approval.
I just searched on the phone for this particular radio station and it did show. I would suggest trying again. I have tried with the first letter as upper case and it didn't find the station but when searching all lower case the station did show up. I"ll investigate why this is happening...
This is actually a great idea! :) I'll keep it under review until we place it on our TO DO list :)