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I just tested this and it does look like it's working properly without crashes or licensing errors. That said, I am kind of back to the original situation where it autoplays (the app will show that it is playing and the duration will keep moving) but there is no sound coming out of the BT speakers. In those cases I usually have to stop the playback and then resume it, and that will bring the sound back. In this version it seems to work better since if my connection cuts off and it reconnects the sound is usually back. This usually happens anyways because I am on the fringe of my Wi-Fi coverage while driving out of the house, and generally it disconnects after leaving my house, which somewhat works in my favor.
Have you seen this issue as well?
That's awesome! Thank you. :)

Appreciate the response, glad that the information was helpful. 
Hopefully the issues can be fixed soon so I can get this working again. 
Thanks so much.