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I know this is a very old post, I thought I'd reply here instead of starting new post. But first I'd just like to say thank you for a great app! Bring oldschool user of Winamp and still is my main player on my desktop as it still works beautifully, I've always enjoyed the visualizations. I was curious if maybe at some point is Xiaalive may get ability to display visualizations. I was thinking it wouldn't need to be the elaborate 3d effects part of Winamp add-ons although I think one of them is open source. But you know how on the main player UI itself you could toggle between animated spectrum analyser bars or lines? Just that toggle between the 2 graphic equalizer visualizations would be awesome in Xiaalive. Or if not in the main app itself it could make a nice widget or lock screen widget.

Just an idea, thanks for app! Bern using Pro version couple years