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Thanks. Patiently waiting.... but no response from anyone at either end

I'm a little confused.... only because Winamp for windows does show title and song info.

Can you explain a little further please?

Her is what I found inside the .m3u file:


#EXTINF:-1,VirtualDJ Radio - ClubZone
#EXTINF:-1,VirtualDJ Radio - ClubZone

When audio focus is disabled, Both sources of audio (Stock Player and Xiaa) come through the stream simultaneously. It would be nice to have that last player to become default until a different player is selected. Perhaps a fix would be... "Always focus on Xiaa" unless other player is manually running. Once other player is manually stopped focus will go back to xiaa.   Also, the controls from the car radio looses focus. They no longer work when stock player is selected
- Device Note 3
- Ver 4.3
- BT device is Chevy Mylink Equinox radio 2013

So I was so frustrated that I uninstalled Pandora. It turns out that now my standard music player hijacks the blutooth audio. So if I play anything on the standard player, it will not Xiia Live stream audio to my car radio. If I turn my car off and reboot my phone (without using the standard player when it reboots), everything works fin again.
It did not, same results


 Android Media Server Died:EXTRA:0