
Player cache erased after data guard kicks in?!?

orconomix 10 years ago updated 9 years ago 4
Why is the player cache erased after the data guard kicks in? Isnt the purpose of it to buffer the stream so one can take outside of the wifi zone?
I buffered 20 minutes of stream and had the player on pause so i can listen to the stream on the bus.
But as soon as i lost wifi the pre cached stream was lost too.
I hope you guys fix that. What is the use of a cache if it is deleted when one needs



This has been resolved. It will be part of the next release v3.3.1.6 this weekend! :)

Under review
Hey thanks for writing about this issue. It does seem to be a bug. I'll look into it. Thanks!
I don't think it is a bug either . it just happens to work that way.

My initial post was meant as suggestion to allow to use the cache even in offline mode , at the moment it only works while there is a network connection , as soon as the network connection is lost , the cache is lost too.

This has been resolved. It will be part of the next release v3.3.1.6 this weekend! :)

Great job , it works now.

That is a very handy feature.