10 seconds rewind button?
Can you add a 10 sec rewind button?
Tunein have 10 sec rewind and forward button but sadly Tunein developer keep creating new annoying bugs every update so i'm moving to XiiaLive. i tried the free app of XiiaLive and i liked it already because it has the same feature like Tunein have and XiiaLive is more advanced but rewind button is missing.

At the bottom of the screen, there's a blue "progress bar" (in every skin theme except "Original" in Settings), and you can drag back the marker at the end of the progress bar to rewind - just a very small move to rewind about 10 seconds.

Thanks for the idea. A rewind button could be useful. We will add this to our list of requested feature for review.

What about the people like me that use PBMC xposed module and use volume key actions (change stations, play, pause) when screen is off? One of the actions is "media rewind" and "media fast forward" but none of the latter work on any player I've tried (Spotify, YouTube)...
Is there any way to make it work or is it just impossible?
P.S also...having the option to skip stations that are not on your favorite list (stations shown at the browse tab) would be incredibly convenient for me!
Thanks in advance

I'm In the same boat as OP and would like to add my support for a rewind button. Also, if we can get a 10 sec rewind button, could we also possibly see a 10 sec forward button to make Scrubbing easier as the picture in OP shows? I'd love a record option too but thats possibly asking too much, so for now I'd be happy just being able to rewind easier :)

More than a 10 second rewind button, I'd rather have rewinding/fastforwarding on long pressing the skip buttons as in TuneIn and Podcast Addict.
And a notification bar as in plex where you have the + - 10 seconds.
And last but not least, the ability to skip stations that aren't your favorite ones yet (the ones that are currently showing up in the uberstations list you're currently at)

I would just use fastforward or rewind funciona with the screen turned off thanks to pbmc module. Unluckily not many audio players allow it, most newest podcasts players do, tunein too.
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Thanks for the idea. A rewind button could be useful. We will add this to our list of requested feature for review.