
Customize favorites order for next/prev

Detonation Boulevard 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Wilson Bradley 5 aastat tagasi 3
Note: This is NOT a question about search filters. You marked an earlier question about Favorites order as "answered" with an irrelevant link to search filters: http://support.xiialive.com/topic/477485

In my Favorites list I want to choose the order, so next/prev switches to another station of similar style. Can you add that capability? See how MediaU Pro does it, with an apparently unlimited number of Favorites, and 10 "Preset" slots you can put any Favorites in whatever order you want.

XiiaLive Pro is the best in almost every other way, so I use it even with its inferior Favorites setup. But you can still learn from your competitors ;-)



Hi Peter,

Thanks for sharing your idea, these are good ones!. We will keep them in mind for next releases.
Thanks again.

Peter's 2nd suggestion (b) for next/prev to navigate within current favorites BY SELECTED GENRE is a good substitute for my original suggestion, to have next/prev navigate in a USER CHOSEN ORDER between favorites.

Either solution solves my problem, where my Favorites include both 80s/Industrial stations and also House/Dance stations. At different times I would like next/prev to move within one or the other group of stations (by genre or user selected order), instead of having both groups mixed together.

Thanks for having an open mind for improvements. I hope you can add one or both of those options, but even with no change XiiaLive is still the best Internet Radio app. Good job!

Satisfaction mark by Detonation Boulevard 9 aastat tagasi

I also have 2 suggestions regarding "Player next/prev",

a) that Player next/prev go to the next or previous station of the currently playing station. Right now Player next/prev navigate instead from the previous next/prev station, but not from a station that I tapped in between in the Favorites. Tapping a station in Favorites is ignored by Player next/prev.

(i.e. stations A B C D E, currently playing A, I tap D, and Player next plays B but should E).

b) that Player next/prev navigate within the current favorites by selected genre, when a genre is selected. Right now Player next/prev navigate within the "All" favorites by alphabet, irrespective of what genre is selected in the favorites list.

(i.e. all stations are A B C D E F G, genre x selected is A C E G, currently playing A, Player next plays B but should C).

Thank you!



Hi Peter,

Thanks for sharing your idea, these are good ones!. We will keep them in mind for next releases.
Thanks again.

I keep seeing the same response, "Thanks for your idea..We will keep them in mind next releases."

Wonder if it's just a BOT.. lol

Anyway, this simple request has been asked for years. I can't believe it's such a challenge to add; 'a behavior to play Next/Back from within your personal play list categories.' 

I and many customers have asked for this for a long time now. When a user has 15+ streaming stations all together, and listening to Talk radio for example, it sucks you can't just skip to next talk radio within that group. Instead you might go from Talk to Rock,/ classical etc..

The random next/previous stream.. Or is there a logic to this?

If it's a matter of others might not want it, make it a selectable option in settings.