
Landscape and portrait switching bug

possetti 14 years ago updated by Jona (Lead Developer) 13 years ago 1

Xiia application version : 2.1.7

Phone model: Motorola i1Iden Technology.
Android Version: Cupcake 1.5

Setup (Pre-condition): 
Phone must have landscape/portrit mode switch.

Steps to reproduce: 
1. Open Xiia live in portrait mode.
2. Tune in any streaming.
3. Turn to landscape mode.

Current Behavior: 
1. Streaming is interrupted. Xiia application kills the streming connection and connects again to the streaming server.

Expected Behavior: 
1. Streaming should remain connected after portrait/landscape switch

Additional Information:
Issue is not reproducible in  Xiia previous version ( I think it's 2.1.6 ).

Reproducibility - Attempt:6     Failed:6



Getting back to this.. Have reproduced the issue on other Android versions too. Thanks for the detailed feedback.  This should be resolved on the upcoming update!

Update 05/18/11:

Fixed on v2.1.8

Thanks for the details.  I have tried reproducing on other Android devices but had no luck...  This must be an Android 1.5 bug.  I'll investigate further how it can be resolved.

Getting back to this.. Have reproduced the issue on other Android versions too. Thanks for the detailed feedback.  This should be resolved on the upcoming update!

Update 05/18/11:

Fixed on v2.1.8