Не ошибка

Unsupported Media e-31

Melissa Reimer 10 лет назад в Android обновлен Yves Michel Rousseau 5 лет назад 5
I am also getting the unsupported media e-31 error on a station I was listening to just fine yesterday.  (http://music.newnormalmusic.com)
Please help!!!
On a Samsung Galaxy S4


Не ошибка
I have looked into the URL you provided and I was able to properly play it.

Couple notes:
- The URL should be http://music.newnormalmusic.com/listen.pls not http://music.newnormalmusic.com
- Please make sure you are using the latest version of XiiaLive v3.2.0.7.
Не ошибка
I have looked into the URL you provided and I was able to properly play it.

Couple notes:
- The URL should be http://music.newnormalmusic.com/listen.pls not http://music.newnormalmusic.com
- Please make sure you are using the latest version of XiiaLive v3.2.0.7.
I am getting the same media error like e:-3 & e:-6 
the url is :


plzz help!!!

i am using iphone 6. 
Hi , i am also getting the unsupported media e-31 error on a station i was listening before. I have Samsung s4 and xiialive version Url :http://phoenixs-radio.noip.me/listen.pls

i get unsupported media e:-12 on nearly everything that i hard code into favorites...

works on xiaa live but not xiaa live pro. its really fun to PAY for an app that doesn't work at all. really really frustrating. and there seems to be no solution but the indignant "works for me" response.

Hi ther, Getting the same error on my Xiialivepro, with galaxy 5 , then I entered http://inoui.listen2myradio.com/listen.pls and xxialive closed in a bug.Many thanks

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