Virtualdj Radio Club Zone

Jamey Sewell 9 лет назад обновлен 8 лет назад 4

VirtualDj Radio is my favorite music station. Lately, I am not getting song tag information and I don't understand why. It is very important to me to visually see what song is being played.

Here are two links I found to tune in.


Song information is able to be seen using the website interface, but not Xiaa live. Please help.




It is not Xiialive problem, because this radio station does not support metadata. VLC could also not get the song tag infomation. Contact them for help.



It is not Xiialive problem, because this radio station does not support metadata. VLC could also not get the song tag infomation. Contact them for help.

Thanks. Patiently waiting.... but no response from anyone at either end

I'm a little confused.... only because Winamp for windows does show title and song info.

Can you explain a little further please?

Her is what I found inside the .m3u file:


#EXTINF:-1,VirtualDJ Radio - ClubZone
#EXTINF:-1,VirtualDJ Radio - ClubZone

Winamp is using SHOUTcast title retriever while Xiialive and VLC is using icy-metadata retriever. Contact the station to get a correct answer or wait for the Xiialive developer to help you

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