
Sprint Android Devices Streaming Issues FIX.

Steve Cornell 14 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jona (Lead Developer) 14 jaar geleden 70 7 dubbele
There are a few Sprint devices on which streaming has been disabled.

- Samsung Transform
- Possibly other phones too


Yes there's currently two fixes you can try.
Just follow the steps on this link:

Sprint has disabled online radio streaming on their Android devices. Up to now that includes the HTC EVO and Samsung Transform.

This issue is seen on other streaming applications too. Note that AAC/AAC+ streams are not affected and can play normally without any issues. In order to stream MP3 streams you need to be connected to WIFI.


FIX #1: (tip sent by Keith)
Contact Sprint they will be able to send the phone a prl update which removes the proxy server changes made by previous OTA. Make sure to call from a different phone so the update gets sent properly.

FIX #2: (sent by Arturo)
1. Go to phone dial and type ##3282# 

"there is no need to push call button after. If that did nothing restart your phone and try again"
2. Choose edit mode
3. Put in password. 

"You can get the password by calling Sprint and asking for MSL code, or password for ##3282#, they should give it to you."
4. Choose Advanced
5. Change HTTP PD Proxy Port to: 0
6. Change HTTP PD Proxy Address to:



***DISCLAIMER! Be very careful not changing anything else than what is suggested here. NOTE that we are not responsible for any issue that you might have with your phone. ***

**Sprint is aware of the mess up...

Under review
Are you using a custom rom? Unfortunately some custom roms have some issues and bugs that will affect certain apps. Try this fix though and let me know if it helped:
Not a bug
Are you still having issues? Please use fix #2 which is one that works all the time...
Under review
No problem! Please follow FIX #2 on the following post.
Under review
What phone do you have and what version of Android is it running?
Since the last update to the Evo a couple of weeks ago, the method for changing the HTTP proxy settings is similar to the initial instructions but a little different.  You still need your MSL etc etc..but in the new Advanced menu settings you have to first go to RTSP/HTTP settings, then they are now called HTTP proxy IP and HTTP proxy port, and they are reversed in order from the screen shot.  Change them both and you should be all set.
Dubbelingen 7
I'm getting the same issue. For what it's worth, Radiotime does work with the stations that has, but it's a terrible app in comparison. FYI, all the other shoutcast apps looking for internet streams all have the same or similar issues, such as Winamp.
Want to add, this was an HTC update. We're still on Android 2.2.
Tried lowering all the app settings, incl. lower buffer etc. Tried lower bitrate stations. Tried using both 4G @ 6mbps and 3G @ 1800kbps.
Great information guys! I'm currently installing the latest update to my HTC EVO and I really hope I can get the same issues you are all having. Hopefully its an easy obvious fix! Well usually it's not... :P Thanks again!
@XiiaLive Team, Who you calling a guy?
??? There are a few users having similar issues and that are participating on this forum... Kevin C, Steve Cornell, and you. :)
@ XiiaLive Team - Appreciate you looking into this. If you find a workaround prior to an update, please let us know.

I know Google release future SDKs prior to release for devs to test (like gingerbread), but unfortunately phone manufacturers like to mess things up with their own "updates". Makes me wonder sometimes if they perform any QA on their software...

BTW it makes me realize how much I rely on your app, especially when I'm driving, when it breaks through no fault of your own.

Thanks again!
Update: Was able to reproduce the issue but only with MPEG streams. All AAC/AAC+ streams work fine. Connected to WiFi MPEG streams work fine. Now digging in to see what's the issue...
If needed, here is one of the streams I'm having troubles with: http://dallas.thenet411.net:8000/listen.pls
Thanks for the link... The issue with streaming MPEG content seems to have to do with some bug in HTC :( Can you check if AAC streams work? They should...
I cannot get MPEG to stream, but AAC+ works. I've tried several in the Top Hits list, didn't change any settings.
Hi, aac streams do work for me. I tested a few from radiofeeds.co.uk on the "other formats" page. Thanks for looking into this.
Noticed I was having the same problem today after the HTC update yesterday. The same problem occurs with A Online Radio app.
Just sent out an email to someone from Google hope to get some response soon...
Got a response from Google:
"We're aware of this problem and are in touch with HTC and Sprint regarding a proper fix and/or workaround."
Well atleast its something. I called HTC opened up a support ticket with them, i called Sirius/xm same thing and sprint, well sprint was lost in the clouds. I hope they fix this within the next 2 weeks before the new year!
I'm unsure what the difference is but the shoutcast stations I use almost work in Winamp. The stream will start but it's not buffering. That means it'll sound good at first but deteriorates very quickly. It seems to show that the network may not be the issue but something on the back end of the program or the fact that it cannot buffer.

I hope it helps. I don't like keeping music on my device since I'm just lazy so having my streams back would be wonderful.

Also still have a few more tests to perform. Specifically, if there is a difference in streaming audio via direct HTML links. Engadget is good since they offer their Podcasts in MP3, M4A, and OGG. I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes.
Hi Charlie, well streaming on Android is hard. Streaming wasn't supported by Android's APIs until Android 2.2 I believe. Winamp can play these stations but you can hear blips and ticks cause the Android MediaPlayer can't handle the metadata that is being sent. We don't use the MediaPlayer directly first because there is no control over the metadata and second cause we can't tell with detail what is happening to the stream as you listen. If you look into XiiaLive we like to display as much information as we can get from the stream and streaming session. More streaming details coming soon! :)

So in summary the amount of sweat put into getting streaming to work "flawlessly" in Android has been a ride that has been hard and is still is hard... We are already investigating doing things completely different so that we don't depend on the mercy of Androids MediaPlayer component as most streaming apps do...
I Performed the podcast tests as well and it Xiia handles the same way as in shoutcast. However, Winamp and Double Twist. Alas, they are both less pleasant to use compared to Xiia for shoutcast. Not sure if the info really matters, but just hoping having more diagnostics helps someone.
I have been in contact with HTC today and they are aware of the problem and are working on a fix.I also cant stream sirius.I also found an application that does work but only by pasting the address into the address line it won't find the sites I listen to by searching. I conveyed this app to HTC and they said they will look into the differences.I prefer your interface to the others and you have been nothing but responsive to this issue.once this HTC issue is resolved I plan on buying your payed version.
Hi Steve thanks for your confirmation that HTC seems to be working on it... :) Also, thanks for your support! :)
I have the Evo and and having the same issue following HTC update. The only time it connects is on WiFi. I miss the portable streaming mp3. Will there be a fix soon?
From what I understand, the recent HTC update broke mp3 streaming in the built in Android media player (a player I assume we don't see since our Android OS has HTC Sense over top of it), and this is what Shoutcast apps like XiiaLive, Winamp etc use for mp3 streams. Other formats still work (like AAC) so hopefully your favorite stations stream over multiple formats. I think the ball is in HTC's court now unless the XiiaLive devs can find a workaround. Merry Xmas btw.

Edit: I just re-read the Android media player comment from the XiiaLive devs and I don't think that was the problem as XiiaLive doesn't use that player. The issue is still with HTC though.
MP3:High bit rate channels are unable to connect, low bit rate channels have a repetitive gurgle in the audio. It seems like the 'throttle effect' which this bug displays is stuck in the configuration until the bluetooth and wifi are turned off, then back on. Also broke search ability for first day. AAC: streams are working. This throttle effect.... An attempt at mp3 piracy detection that has gone wrong?
It does seem odd, doesn't it. Also, for the first time, I'm seeing DRM errors for the first time.
Yes, I been seeing those errors too and was wondering if that could be part of the whole issue...
I think somewhere in that area they screwed up big time!!
The fix works like a charm. thanks
What fix is that Steve ? Are you now able to work on XiiaLive Player without connection dropped?
Guru look at the provided solution at top... :) That fixes all issues with streaming! :)
Thanks XiiaLive Team and Arturo its back and sounding great.
I'm streaming again! Thank you. Fyi, in step #1, I had to press Call to get the Edit selection.
Great! I'll remove that from step 1.
I STRONGLY warn folks about screwing around with that password protected ##data# menu there is a reason its password protected... I followed those instructions 10th hours ago and lost features. And screwed up my evo so bad that I was on tech support with Sprint over 6 hours and finally had to wipe out everything and start over. When you start getting that EPST error you got BIG problems.

This program fails because Sprint can't / won't allow mp3 streaming overseas. Pandora does not allow overseas ips either.
Thanks for the warning. I'll add a disclaimer to the work around. I also strongly recommend not changing settings around if you don't know what you are doing. As long as you change what is strictly defined above you will be fine... and there is no reason why it should mess up your phone.

"This program fails because Sprint can't / won't allow mp3 streaming overseas. Pandora does not allow overseas ips either"
Not sure this is valid. I can suggest yeah Sprint doesn't want streaming on phones, but I just think it's a bug introduced by HTC. Pandora is a completely different subject to the issue, essentially the issue is HTC broke the ability to create LocalHost proxy ports which communicate with the internal MediaPlayer.
I could be wrong about why Sprint is screwing around withholding great stuff that works... but I did a lit of reading today and the mpeg and mp3 overseas streaming issue kept coming up. I can say for sure that when I changed the proxy port it killed Pandora and I could not change it back because when I tried to go to advanced it would load to about 70% and then the "force closed" error would come up... so I had no way exchange it back to 8085 if someone wantd to be brave and test it... I say "go for it" the password is 086031
You better have your contacts written down AND saved to gmil to easily resync

You don't have to call sprint tech support to fix your screw up evo.... just turn it off then turn it on while holding the down volume .. then down a couple timed to test.. up to yes.. and start all over. Enjoy. Terry Blount... former crscktalk editor
Well i do not understand why some people are experiencing different things with the proxy fix. I just tried pandira and it worked no problem. I use sirius/xm no problem. I use xiialive no problem. So i don't see what the problem is. My evo is not messed up after doing this. And everything worked fine untik the last update. So obviously the update had a problem. I honestly dont think sprint purposely blocked these apps from streamingstreaming.
This fix works for me - thanks! (and I thought it was XiiaLive's fault - should have known better - sorry). I wonder if there is a way to let other EVO users know(?) I almost gave up on XiiaLive.
This worked great for me Sprint gave me my MSL code no problem once I told them what the problem was. They seem to be familiar with this problem
It works! I just called Sprint, and they are offering the same fix. Fix coming soon. Thx!
Thank you for the work around. Everything works great now. I just wonder what else people do to screw up their phones. I just hope it doesn't brick down the road because of a proxy change.
No problem! I find it extremely difficult to brick the phone changing the suggested options. So I wouldn't worry about it ;)
I have changed the Proxies and am streaming again, but it seems like the buffer is not working. Sometimes I get a lot of starting and stopping with half-second long bursts of audio then about that long of silence and over and over... Seems to be when data coverage is weak or bad handoffs... I've never heard this before, just started happening after the update and proxy work-arounds.
I have tested streaming on Sprint with the HTC EVO and I find that after the HTC update things don't run a smooth as it used to... I think this might have to do with radio update issue. I have tested streaming with bandwidth checking simultaneously and I could see that the speed of the internet was very spotty. I hope to soon provide streaming diagnostics tools for users that want to take it a step further, cause most time it's a network issue...
I am having the same problem. I made the proxy change as described at the beginning of this thread. I can access the radio stations but now I get horrible buffering problems.

Xiialive will now buffer for about a minute and then play eight seconds of choppy audio and then buffer again for another minute. This repeats until I throw my phone out the window.
I just changed phones few days ago. HTC Hero to HTC EVO Shift. Now I don't have connections to my favorites and all other online radio stations. I didn't realize there was an issue with mpeg streaming. Aside from the proxy fix, is there an expected version update soon? I do routine out of state travel and stream this link frequently: http://den-a.plr.liquidcompass.net/pls/KUPDFMMP3.pls . Would like to listen to this station again.
There is an update which is done and currently under testing. Hopefully goes out ASAP! Now this update doesn't fix this particular issue with proxy. We really can't do much on this one... About your particular issue, are you having trouble streaming on the HTC EVO Shift? Let me know might have to make a diff forum post for this particular issue...
Under review
What phone do you have and what version of Android is it running?
Arturo's Fix worked for me.
Thank you
Need some help! I can't get past step 1! I enter ##3282# on the phone key pad and nothing happens. The numbers just disappear. What am I doing wrong?
Usually when you are on this state is cause you need to restart your phone and try again... It should work than... :)
This TEMP FIX worked PERFECTLY FINE for me! Follow all instructions EXACTLY as described, and everything should work out perfect. Thanks for the fix folks! Now I can enjoy XIIALIVE without being on WiFi. EVO phones ROCK!
followed this to the letter....still doesnt work. Evo 2.2.
Can you go into the edit mode and verify that the HTTP PD Proxy are set to all 0? You might want to try restarting your device.
How can I follow those directions to a "T" when step 2 reads: 3. Put in password "call sprint and ask for MSL code, or password for ##3282#, they will give it to you"

That is saying to enter "call sprint and ask for MSL code, or password for ##3282#, they will give it to you" as the password.

Just saying....
I just fixed the issue. This website was very help full. Fix 2 works only. I did call sprint and they did give my the code to fix the issue. Thanks so much.
My carrier is Sprint and my cell is a Samsung M900. I downloaded XiivaLive Lite and it works really great! 5*****!
Hi, all. Thanks so much to Keith and especially Arturo for providing the info for the fix! Fix #1 did not work for me, but Fix #2 did! And I was fortunate to connect with a really awesome guy at Sprint tech support who was incredibly patient, helpful and pleasant in working with me until we got it resolved...in fact, he was very grateful to receive the URL to this site so that he could access the fix suggestions himself. He stated that they do get calls on this issue but do NOT have the fix info readily available. A brief background on my experience with this issue that may shed light/help others who land here for help: up until a few days ago, Friday, Feb 25, my phone was the Samsung Moment (Droid) and I had used XiiaLive extensively for nearly the year that I had the Moment. So finding that my shiny new HTC EVO 4G would not stream Xiia was a huge disappointment! However, I had also been using Audiogalaxy to stream my own music collection from my pc at home to my phone while working in my office across town, and this works fine on my EVO, so at least I still had something to listen to. I googled the problem I was having and did try some other streaming apps and found that those also weren't working. And then I came across this forum and the info that AAC and AAC+ should work. I found that I could change a filter in XiiaLive that would show only AAC format stations and those DID play on my EVO. However, I was disappointed in the sound quality...I'm hoping that now that I have the EVO working on MPEG again that I will find that it sounds as good as it did on the Moment...which I thought was XLNT. (I don't really know the difference between AAC and MPEG so whether one might sound better than the other is unclear to me still.) So, just wanted to share this with people...you can set the filter in Xiia to AAC so you should be able to at least play that format, although I'm not sure that the station selections are the same/as extensive or as good as those that are MPEG. And, check out Audiogalaxy if you want to stream your own MP3s from your pc to your Droid. It works beautifully for me, and worked fine when my EVO wouldn't stream MPEG/MP3 from Xiia or other streaming radio players. Cheers!
This fix worked great thanks Arturo
I love this program Jona, was killin me that it wasn't working... keep up the good work!
Thanks for the information, and the pointer on the Android Market. While I've been swearing at the free apps [winamp, AR Online Radio] for months now, knuckling under to spend the $3.99 turned out to be a golden idea. The app itself looks swift, esp. with the direct URL entry option, and now SOUNDS great on 4G. Thanks again for the secret information. I'm able to stream popGeezer Radio on the EVO at work again.
Under review
Are you using a custom rom? Unfortunately some custom roms have some issues and bugs that will affect certain apps. Try this fix though and let me know if it helped:
Yes there's currently two fixes you can try.
Just follow the steps on this link:
Boost Mobile works with the "same sprint fix"  My issue was getting into ##3282# to enter password.
Boost Technical support will give you MSL passcode. However they do not support HTC EVO only the new release Samsung.
My thanks goes out to the XiiAlive developer for posting the fix. Happy with the product and I am sure you will be too.
Not a bug
Are you still having issues? Please use fix #2 which is one that works all the time...

Sprint has disabled online radio streaming on their Android devices. Up to now that includes the HTC EVO and Samsung Transform.

This issue is seen on other streaming applications too. Note that AAC/AAC+ streams are not affected and can play normally without any issues. In order to stream MP3 streams you need to be connected to WIFI.


FIX #1: (tip sent by Keith)
Contact Sprint they will be able to send the phone a prl update which removes the proxy server changes made by previous OTA. Make sure to call from a different phone so the update gets sent properly.

FIX #2: (sent by Arturo)
1. Go to phone dial and type ##3282# 

"there is no need to push call button after. If that did nothing restart your phone and try again"
2. Choose edit mode
3. Put in password. 

"You can get the password by calling Sprint and asking for MSL code, or password for ##3282#, they should give it to you."
4. Choose Advanced
5. Change HTTP PD Proxy Port to: 0
6. Change HTTP PD Proxy Address to:



***DISCLAIMER! Be very careful not changing anything else than what is suggested here. NOTE that we are not responsible for any issue that you might have with your phone. ***

**Sprint is aware of the mess up...

I found this while googling this issue for a while.  I originally had this problem start when using Winamp and shoutcast where the music would be all skippy and garbled and whatnot, so I switched to XiiaLive.  XiiaLive would not even begin to play, it would constantly buffer, stop, buffer, stop, etc.  I tried with 3G/4G and neither worked, but WiFi worked like a champ.

After contacting sprint to get a new PRL update, the person on the chat was absolutely useless, and I am sure he just hit "refresh" or equivalent on my number, so the "new" PRL update I got was useless.  He then proceeded to tell me he was not allowed to give me my MSL code.  Long story short, he got a terrible response on his satisfaction survey.  30 minutes of my life I will never get back, I suppose.

ANYWAY.  I ended up contacting Sprint on the phone, and had the code within 5 minutes, made the suggested changes, and within seconds XiiaLive was streaming SomaFM mpeg stations, and Winamp Shoutcast streams were working again.

Fantastic help, Thank you!!!
Jona... I am still having issues with XiiaLive giving me short duration and short spanned pauses in the audio. It just doesn't seem to have a buffer. The pauses and audio bursts are only a half to 3 seconds at a time, audio, muted, audio, muted, Etc.. And, the audio always picks up from where it left off. My buffer is set to 5 seconds, but even if I roll it all the way up, it still does the same thing, just takes longer to hear the audio if I set the pre-buffer to the same length. I have to sometimes stop the player, wait about 10 seconds and try to play again to get it to stop. Sometimes it takes more than once. I drive 31 miles to work everyday and this will happen at least once each way and not necessarily in the same place along the route. I also have it occurring in other places too and am sure it's related to cell tower switching.

As I have stated before, I should not have a dropout shorter than the duration of my buffers, but I do and therefore I don't believe the buffering is working. This is not an AAC thing, as I mostly listen to MP3 Shoutcast streams, including my own. 

This has been occuring since around the time Sprint put in that proxy server, but of course, I have that set to and have since a few days after they did it. Unfortunately I wasn't using XIiaLive much befor that, so I don't know if one has anything to do with the other or not. Just trying to feed you all I think may help solve the issue.
"As I have stated before, I should not have a dropout shorter than the duration of my buffers, but I do and therefore I don't believe the buffering is working."
Well your internet connection could have been already getting slower and therefore the buffer couldn't keep up with playback consumption.  I would recommend to further investigate, you look at the baudrate, internet speed, bars on the widgets.  They will let you know your current download speed.  If these bars are low than you know the connection is not fast enough and soon you will run into buffering issues...  If you like create a new post on the forum and we can take it from there...
Under review
No problem! Please follow FIX #2 on the following post.
Since the last update to the Evo a couple of weeks ago, the method for changing the HTTP proxy settings is similar to the initial instructions but a little different.  You still need your MSL etc etc..but in the new Advanced menu settings you have to first go to RTSP/HTTP settings, then they are now called HTTP proxy IP and HTTP proxy port, and they are reversed in order from the screen shot.  Change them both and you should be all set.
Thanks for the info! I sticky that on the top...
Winamp's Shoutcast stations work with stock settings.  Sound quality is the same as Xiialive.