Under review
Stream Drops Twice on Start of Playback
XiiaLive Pro (paid) v3.1.0 (I think - your "about" screen should say what the version is, but doesn't. Ah, there it is - found it on the Apps listing on the device; yes, it's 3.1.0) on AT&T carrier version HTC One running Android 4.3.
It used to work perfectly. Then a couple of updates ago, XiiaLive Pro started dropping the stream (a shoutcast internet radio station) a couple of times within the first 5 to 10 minutes of streaming. This seems pretty consistent and happens regardless of buffer settings.
Current settings:
Stream engine: Andriod.
Stream cache length: 5 min
Pre-buffer length: 12000ms
buffer length: 12000ms
connect timeout: 12000ms
read timeout: 12000ms
So what happens is, the stream starts playing, then a couple of minutes in, I hear the "theme" noise as the stream drops. It is silent for up to 30sec, and then it just starts playing again without another theme noise sounding. Playback will continue normally, but will then drop again anywhere up to about 10 minutes later (usually 5 to 8 minutes) for another few seconds to around 30 seconds. Once it recovers from this second drop, it is typically solid after that.
I am on WiFi when this happens. As the owner of the internet radio station (Girls Rock Radio on SHOUTcast) that XiiaLive Pro is connected to, I can tell you without reservation that there is no buffering at the source. I also know that other devices on the WiFi network (i.e., laptops, etc) are not experiencing any buffering issues so that eliminates the WiFi router as a source of the problem.
Is there any guidance you can provide in correcting this issue?
And, a small aside - I noticed some people complaining in bug reports here that they loose a stream when driving "out of range." I think that might be happening to me now, too, and I should add that after first purchasing XiiaLive Pro that NEVER happened. To get around the issue, I use a power management app that has "themes" like "Home" and "Away" which allows me to set the state of WiFi, bluetooth, mobile network, etc. So I created a "Car" theme that enables bluetooth, turns off WiFi and turns on the Mobile Network. If I start XiiaLive Pro with the "Car" theme switched on, I don't have the problem since the device doesn't loose WiFi since it was on the Mobile Network right from the start. But again, XiiaLive Pro used to always handle the loss of WiFi and switch to Mobile Network just fine. It was the ONLY App that did, and a BIG reason I purchased the Pro version in the first place. Any chance of just going back to how things were a few versions back?
And BTW, I am extremely happy with my purchase decision for the Alarm function alone. XiiaLive Pro has successfully woke me up every day for over a year now and I LOVE it for that. I just would like to purge this 2x stream drop in the first 10 minutes bug.
It used to work perfectly. Then a couple of updates ago, XiiaLive Pro started dropping the stream (a shoutcast internet radio station) a couple of times within the first 5 to 10 minutes of streaming. This seems pretty consistent and happens regardless of buffer settings.
Current settings:
Stream engine: Andriod.
Stream cache length: 5 min
Pre-buffer length: 12000ms
buffer length: 12000ms
connect timeout: 12000ms
read timeout: 12000ms
So what happens is, the stream starts playing, then a couple of minutes in, I hear the "theme" noise as the stream drops. It is silent for up to 30sec, and then it just starts playing again without another theme noise sounding. Playback will continue normally, but will then drop again anywhere up to about 10 minutes later (usually 5 to 8 minutes) for another few seconds to around 30 seconds. Once it recovers from this second drop, it is typically solid after that.
I am on WiFi when this happens. As the owner of the internet radio station (Girls Rock Radio on SHOUTcast) that XiiaLive Pro is connected to, I can tell you without reservation that there is no buffering at the source. I also know that other devices on the WiFi network (i.e., laptops, etc) are not experiencing any buffering issues so that eliminates the WiFi router as a source of the problem.
Is there any guidance you can provide in correcting this issue?
And, a small aside - I noticed some people complaining in bug reports here that they loose a stream when driving "out of range." I think that might be happening to me now, too, and I should add that after first purchasing XiiaLive Pro that NEVER happened. To get around the issue, I use a power management app that has "themes" like "Home" and "Away" which allows me to set the state of WiFi, bluetooth, mobile network, etc. So I created a "Car" theme that enables bluetooth, turns off WiFi and turns on the Mobile Network. If I start XiiaLive Pro with the "Car" theme switched on, I don't have the problem since the device doesn't loose WiFi since it was on the Mobile Network right from the start. But again, XiiaLive Pro used to always handle the loss of WiFi and switch to Mobile Network just fine. It was the ONLY App that did, and a BIG reason I purchased the Pro version in the first place. Any chance of just going back to how things were a few versions back?
And BTW, I am extremely happy with my purchase decision for the Alarm function alone. XiiaLive Pro has successfully woke me up every day for over a year now and I LOVE it for that. I just would like to purge this 2x stream drop in the first 10 minutes bug.

Under review
Thanks for the great feedback! I really appreciate that you took the time to write us.
We really stride to try to make the stream engine as solid and robust as we can. The issue you are now seeing with WIFI to network data switch off not recovering properly is an issue since we do expect it to properly recover and make it feel seamless.
The drop issue you see after 10minutes could potentially be various things. Does that drop happen while you are in one place or moving?
It would help if you can reproduce those two issues separately and right away do a bug report from XiiaLive->Settings. I say right away so that the logs don't get overwritten.
Now the exciting stuff...we have recently released a beta version of XiiaLive on GooglePlay. This new version has a brand new and a lot smarter stream engine. I'm work on it as hard as I can to make it the best! It would be great if you can try it out and see if these issues still happen and if it works better overall for you. Take care!
We really stride to try to make the stream engine as solid and robust as we can. The issue you are now seeing with WIFI to network data switch off not recovering properly is an issue since we do expect it to properly recover and make it feel seamless.
The drop issue you see after 10minutes could potentially be various things. Does that drop happen while you are in one place or moving?
It would help if you can reproduce those two issues separately and right away do a bug report from XiiaLive->Settings. I say right away so that the logs don't get overwritten.
Now the exciting stuff...we have recently released a beta version of XiiaLive on GooglePlay. This new version has a brand new and a lot smarter stream engine. I'm work on it as hard as I can to make it the best! It would be great if you can try it out and see if these issues still happen and if it works better overall for you. Take care!

I just looked over the bug report you sent. Thanks for that! So I was able to see the logs and I see something kinda interesting being caused by your device which it seems to be killing the open connections.
Here is what I suggest.
1. Turn OFF Hotspot auto-connect from XiiaLive/Settings/Network. See if that makes any difference.
2. Do you have any apps that monitor and/or protect your device such as firewall or virus protection apps?
3. Have you tried restarting your device?
Here is the interesting part of the logs you sent me. I tried to figure out what your device is doing but no luck.
Here is what I suggest.
1. Turn OFF Hotspot auto-connect from XiiaLive/Settings/Network. See if that makes any difference.
2. Do you have any apps that monitor and/or protect your device such as firewall or virus protection apps?
3. Have you tried restarting your device?
Here is the interesting part of the logs you sent me. I tried to figure out what your device is doing but no luck.
D/libc ( 6356): [NET] getaddrinfo+,hn 15(0x646174612e666c),sn(),family 0,flags 4
D/libc ( 6356): [NET] getaddrinfo-,err=8
D/libc ( 6356): [NET] getaddrinfo+,hn 15(0x646174612e666c),sn(),family 0,flags 1024
D/libc ( 6356): [NET] getaddrinfo-, 1
D/libc ( 6356): [NET] getaddrinfo_proxy+
D/libc ( 6956): [NET] getaddrinfo+,hn 16(0x616c6976652e62),sn(),family 0,flags 4
D/libc ( 6956): [NET] getaddrinfo-,err=8
D/libc ( 6956): [NET] getaddrinfo+,hn 16(0x616c6976652e62),sn(),family 0,flags 1024
D/libc ( 6956): [NET] getaddrinfo-, 1
D/libc ( 6956): [NET] getaddrinfo_proxy+
D/libc ( 6956): [NET] getaddrinfo_proxy-, success
I/global ( 6956): call createSocket() return a new socket.
D/libc ( 6956): [NET] getaddrinfo+,hn 13(0x36362e3130332e),sn(),family 0,flags 4
D/libc ( 6956): [NET] getaddrinfo-, SUCCESS
D/libc ( 6356): [NET] getaddrinfo_proxy-, success
I/global ( 6356): call createSocket() return a new socket.
D/libc ( 6356): [NET] getaddrinfo+,hn 13(0x3231362e35322e),sn(),family 0,flags 4
D/libc ( 6356): [NET] getaddrinfo-, SUCCESS

I'm not sure if I understood you correctly...you said that your station server doesn't buffering at the source? If that is the case I recommend you set your server to provide some buffering so that the smart recovery can work best. This would avoid any noticeable gaps or skips after the app recovers from a dropped connection.
Customer support service by UserEcho
We really stride to try to make the stream engine as solid and robust as we can. The issue you are now seeing with WIFI to network data switch off not recovering properly is an issue since we do expect it to properly recover and make it feel seamless.
The drop issue you see after 10minutes could potentially be various things. Does that drop happen while you are in one place or moving?
It would help if you can reproduce those two issues separately and right away do a bug report from XiiaLive->Settings. I say right away so that the logs don't get overwritten.
Now the exciting stuff...we have recently released a beta version of XiiaLive on GooglePlay. This new version has a brand new and a lot smarter stream engine. I'm work on it as hard as I can to make it the best! It would be great if you can try it out and see if these issues still happen and if it works better overall for you. Take care!