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Streaming statistics

TrogdorsArm 14 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jona (Lead Developer) 14 lat temu 5
Jona, et. al.,

Just for my own personal enjoyment, would it be possible to capture and store XiiaLive's down streaming byte or kilobyte count. It would be cool to see my lifetime streaming footprint using XiiaLive.  Also maybe the hours of streaming too. 

I like statistics.  

2, 342.5 hours total streaming
432 GB streamed



W trakcie analizy
You can currently see the streaming statistics. 

1. Go to settings and scroll all the way down.  You should see lifetime streaming stats.

2. If you have the paid version we provided a widget that shows a little more details streaming stats.
W trakcie analizy
You can currently see the streaming statistics. 

1. Go to settings and scroll all the way down.  You should see lifetime streaming stats.

2. If you have the paid version we provided a widget that shows a little more details streaming stats.
LOL!  I must have seen those statistics subconsciously when in settings.  That's exactly what I was looking for.

Your XiiaLive App is the most used Android app I have.  I love the paid version and the new widget look.  I just haven't tried the Stats Widget.  I had tried the Tag Widget but didn't think I would need to consume Home Screen real estate just for tagging.

Chances are if there was something streaming I wanted to tag, I'd probably already be reviewing the widget to see who/what is being played and then just tap the widget to open Xiia and tag. ;)

Thanks again and I love the product.  Can't wait for the DPI screen resolution to get fixed.  Peace.
Perfect!  What phone do you have?
I have the HTC EVO 4G running CyanogenMod  I have permanently adjusted my DPI in the build.props file.  My ADW Launcher is running in 5x5 screen mode with icon labels turned off.  It's a very sweet and clean setup and your XiiaLive - Main widget looks great at 5x1.  Wish I could adjust the widgets text colors and background colors like I can with the WeatherBug Elite widget.

Any testing you need, just send me a message. 

Can you post a snapshot of how it looks here? :)