Under review

Blocking status ‘preloading 99%’

peter-buehner@t-online de 11 років тому оновлено Jona (Lead Developer) 11 років тому 0
In my previous mail from November 14th I described three errors related to the XiiaLive-Favorites and several named URL’s that occurred after the update from November 8th. (Galaxy S4, Android 4.2.2)

1. The application-status remains in status "Prepare playlist " and the application fails completely!
2. The application remains in status "Stopping" and is no longer usable as well!
3. Some streams only load to 99 % and then remain with the status of "prebuffering 99%"!

The topics 1 and 2 seem to be fixed after your update from Nov. 14th
Topic 3 still consists and can be tested with following URL’s
The blocking status ‘preloading 99%’ is also assigned to the upload of all URL’s, that have been previous loaded completely and were receivable in total.
This condition can only be canceled by shutting down the device. (by using WLAN everything works correctly!??)


Under review
Are you still having issues with the latest release? I have tried all the links you provided but I couldn't reproduce the issue.

If you can still reproduce the issue please do a bug report right after you reproduce the issue by going into Xiialive->Settings and clicking "Bug report".
Under review
Are you still having issues with the latest release? I have tried all the links you provided but I couldn't reproduce the issue.

If you can still reproduce the issue please do a bug report right after you reproduce the issue by going into Xiialive->Settings and clicking "Bug report".